Ball J, Rhodes A, Bennett ED: Reducing the morbidity and mortality of high-risk surgical patients. In: Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. (Edited by: Vincent J-L). 2000, 331–342. [AU: please indicate the place of publication and the name of the publisher.]...
We aimed to review morbidity and mortality data on four overlapping populations who experience considerable social exclusion: homeless populations, individuals with substance use disorders, sex workers, and imprisoned individuals. METHODS: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched MEDLINE, ...
Postoperative myocardial infarction is a major risk factor in patients undergoing abdominal aortic surgery. Correction of cardiac ischaemia prior to abdominal aortic surgery improves outcome. The morbidity and mortality of 639 consecutive patients were reviewed from an area with poor access to cardiac surg...
Health span approximates life span among many supercentenarians: compression of morbidity at the approximate limit of life span. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012;67(4):395–405. Article Google Scholar Newman AB, Murabito JM. The epidemiology of longevity and exceptional survival. Epidemiol...
Added value of this study Our systematic review and meta-analysis provides the first comprehensive examination to date of morbidity and mortality outcomes across a range of inclusion health populations. We found that the extent of the health inequity seen in our inclusion health populations greatly ex...
It is well recognized that increased transfusion volumes are associated with increased morbidity and mortality, but dose-response relations between high- and very-high-dose transfusion and clinical outcomes have not been described previously. In this study, the authors assessed (1) the dose-response ...
Researchers are increasingly studying maternal mortality in the context of maternal morbidity in order to identify risk and protective factors operating at each point along the morbidity-mortality continuum. This study examined factors associated with mortality in pregnant women with severe morbidity. In ...
Globally, human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most sexually transmitted virus and a major cause of morbidity and mortality [1]. Studies suggest that 75% of all sexually active people will become infected at some point during their lifetime [2]. Currently, over 120 HPV types have been identified...
1 Failure to make a timely diagnosis can result in appendiceal perforation and an increase in patient morbidity and mortality.1 Certain populations are especially at risk for these complications from a delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. In women, the most common misdiagnoses are pelvic inflammatory ...
Impact of the integration of water treatment and handwashing incentives with antenatal services on hygiene practices of pregnant women in Malawi Access to safe drinking water and improved hygiene are important for reducing morbidity and mortality from diarrhea. We surveyed 330 pregnant women who par.....