aU.S. Air Force (USAF) AC-130 Gunship sensor operators (SOs) represent a unique group of enlisted aircrew in a challenging and high-risk profession. Aside from motivation and key personality traits, cognitive ability is considered to have a pivotal role in succeeding as a gunship SO (Chappell...
HSVTOL represents a significant advancement in vertical lift capability, offering unparalleled runway independence and flexibility. Conventional and damaged runways, austere land-based as well as sea basing locations are all potential basing locations holding global adversaries at risk. This flexibility and...
support, and encouragement to homeless and at-risk people in our community. They mentor residents in life skills needed to reintegrate into society and where possible, begin a restored family life. Funding comes from donations and grants. Carmen immersed himself in the midst of the homeless, got...
Where there is a large reservoir of liquid hydrogen as fuel, it appears feasible to utilize a hydrogen cooled highly-conducting aluminum-wound generator rotor instead of a superconductor rotor. This would eliminate the risk of thermal instability associated with a superconductor rotor should one of ...
As a result, United States Air Force Structures Bulletin EZ-SB-19-01 [3] states that all AM parts require a linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) based durability and damage tolerance (DADT) assessment that is consistent with USAF MIL-STD-1530D [4]. Indeed, United States Air Force ...
The study showed an association between bee decline and the type of territory surrounding the apiaries, and the areas at the greatest risk of decline in Lombardy were identified. This information can be used by Veterinary Services as a predictive parameter for planning prevention and control ...
Anyhow, the above two paragraphs form a short summary about the goals of the study. Section 2 reviews the literature. The state-of-the-art of educational trainings for the R&D institutions is reviewed. As the used decision case (i.e., the design budget planning problem) is important to ...
As complete shielding of the highly energetic particles is impracticable, the cellular response to space-relevant radiation qualities has to be understood in order to develop countermeasures and to reduce radiation risk uncertainties. The transcription factor Nuclear Factor κB (NF-κB) plays a ...