Using a modern browser (tested with Chrome), go to In the textarea labeled "Online SVG URL or SVG markup", paste your SVG markup. Hit the Load button. Now an interactive map should display on the right.The...
Although the images downloaded from GE platform is different from the Pléiades or WorldView raw data, they are still very helpful in our study due to their open-access and the high spatial resolution. In line with both the scope of this study and field survey, there are three land cover ...
Two inventors (or two assignees) that provide exactly the same high-resolution address and also have 'similar' names are very likely to refer to the same entity. Thus, knowing that two entities have exactly the same address allows a great deal of flexibility in name matching, and we design...
We next used the Xenium workflow to generate high-resolution gene expression data for a targeted panel of genes (Fig.3). We used the Xenium Human Breast Panel (280 genes) with 33 add-on genes for a total of 313 genes, selected and curated primarily based on single cell atlas data for ...
For a given UAV image, the appropriate patch size is related to its spatial resolution, spectral resolution, and feature distribution characteristics. To achieve efficient detection, choosing a suitable patch size acts as the important first step. In the study area, different patch sizes were set,...
Second class is the most commonly chosen and popular seating option on high-speed trains in China, primarily due to its affordable ticket fares. In the second-class seating arrangement, there are five seats in each row labeled as ABC+DF. Seat A and F are positioned by the windows, while ...
(I and II) were scanned independently by an Epson Perfection V600 flatbed scanner at a 24-bit and 300 dpi resolution, a black cardboard box was used to cover the scanner to reduce internal reflection from the light emitted during scanning. The scanned image was saved as a JPG file for ...
Also, the growing clinical significance of immune system evaluation combined with epidemic infectious disease rates in third world countries provides a strong rationale for the development of field-compatible clinical immunology techniques and equipment. In July 2002 NASA performed a comprehensive immune ...
29. Our work specifically addresses the data scarcity gap in energy use research for the U.S. residential sector. We propose a synthetic framework for modeling large-scale high resolution energy use data by integrating diverse datasets and end-use models for bottom-up dis-aggregate energy ...
et al.5produced a smoothed continuous map-grid of total population at a global scale for the year 1994. This work was later labeled as the first version of the Gridded Population of the World (GPWv1) by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). The fourth, ...