High-resolution timer for C++ 项目 2011/12/27 Howdy ho! My name is Simon Wybranski, I am a developer on the C++ AMP team!In this blog post I am going to present a high-resolution timer for measuring the performance of C++ AMP algorithms. There is nothing specific in it to C++ AMP...
关于High-Resolution Timer(了解) 如果一个系统包含高精度性能计数器(HRPC,high-resolution performance counter)则此系统提供高精度定时器。你可以使用API函数QueryPerformanceFrequency来获得HRPC的频率HRPCF,返回值为cps(counts per second)。这个依赖于处理器(processor dependent),在一些处理器中HRPCF的值可能就是处理器...
网络高精度定时器;高分辨率计时器 网络释义
而实际使用过程timer要求的精度在毫秒级,主要转换函数见hrt_call_invoke里面的hrt_absolute_time函数。 hrt_call_invoke └──> <while (true)> ├──> hrt_abstime now = hrt_absolute_time(); ├──> call = (struct hrt_call *)sq_peek(&callout_queue); ...
Implement a Continuously Updating, High-Resolution Time Provider for Windows Johan Nilsson Code download available at:HighResolutionTimer.exe(404 KB) This article assumes you're familiar with C++ and the Win32 API SUMMARY The timestamps that you can obtain from Windows NT are limite...
关于Linux的 High-Resolution Timer 若是禁用High-Resolution Timer,那么内核是在毫秒级别处理内部时间分片。 禁用掉High-Resolution Timer不会有问题,除非你的应用程序需要在纳秒级别处理时间分片。 如下摘自:Oracle Linux: How to Disable High-Resolution Timer (文档 ID 2207818.1)...
time_since_boot = esp_timer_get_time(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Restarted periodic timer with 1s period, time since boot: %lld us", time_since_boot); } How the Code Works? The High Resolution Timer APIs are defined in components/esp_timer/include/esp_timer.h. Therefore, we will include this...
You can configure agent computers to use a high-resolution timer when collecting performance data. The high-resolution timer ensures that all measurements are precise to within 1 millisecond.
Anyone, I'm looking for a way to setup a callback function in our VC++ .net 2003 7.1 console application using a higher resolution timer. The multimedia...