The World in High Resolution What is a high-resolution world map? This high-resolution world map PDF is at 300 dpi with a large-scale dimension of 7000 × 3500 pixels. You can use this map for any purpose, provided you reference this page. Africa Map The African continent is the second...
Blahwar, B., S.K. Srivastav & J.B. de Smeth (2012). Use of high- resolution satellite imagery for investigating acid mine drainage from artisanal coal mining in north-eastern India. Geocarto International 27: 231-247; 011.628761...
Water footprint (WF), a comprehensive indicator of water resources appropriation, has evolved as an efficient tool to improve the management and sustainability of water resources. This study quantifies the blue and green WF of major cereals crops in India using high resolution soil and climatic ...
Data Descriptor: Remotely sensedhigh resolution irrigated areamapping in India for 2000 to 2015Anukesh Krishnankutty Ambika 1 , Brian Wardlow 2 & Vimal Mishra 1India is among the countries that uses a signif i cant fraction of available water for irrigation. Irrigated area inIndia has incr...
Keywords Urban planning Landuse map Satellite image Google earth Change detection ; View PDFReferences [1] R. Basawaraja, K.B. Chari, S.R. Mise, S.B. Chetti Analysis of the impact of urban sprawl in altering the land-use, land-cover pattern of Raichur City, India, using geospatial tech...
and is capable of completing whole-brain imaging of a rhesus monkey at 1 × 1 × 2.5 µm3voxel resolution within 100 h. We also developed a highly efficient method for long-range tracing of sparse axonal fibers in datasets numbering hundreds of terabytes. This pipeline, which we...
The proposed method greatly enhances the spatial resolution and signal strength of spherical harmonic solutions. Using the presented method, we have produced a time series of high-resolution (degree 180) spherical harmonic solutions named Tongji-RegGrace2019, which can be directly used without further...
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High-resolution global maps of annual urban land coverage provide fundamental information of global environmental change and contribute to applications related to climate mitigation and urban planning for sustainable development. Here we map global annual urban dynamics from 1985 to 2015 at a 30 m re...
of multiple parameters, and data interpretation and analysis. The protocol, which can be completed in 1–3 d, enables researchers to image proteins and protein complexes in the native unperturbed state and to simultaneously map their biophysical and biochemical properties at sub-nanometer resolution. ...