Snap Inc.'s research team recently launched an AI image generator named SnapGen, capable of generating high-resolution images directly on high-end smartphones. This technology allows users to enjoy an efficient and convenient image creation experience on their phones, breaking the limitations of trad...
2、为了保证同一个 instance 的特征一致,将 encoder 网络提取的特征在 instance 层面上取平均后再 concat 进 Generator 的输入。 3、Encoder、Generator、Discriminator 联合训练。 使用训练好后的 encoder 对数据集里所有图片提取一遍特征,然后对于每一个类的特征进行 k-means cluster,得到 的K 种特征,就包含了 黑...
Figure 8.3.Spatial resolution of an angiographic image: (A) the spatial resolution of the image having dimensions 5123512, (B) the spatial resolution of the image having dimensions 50350, and (C) the ability of a single pixel (red arrows) to depict the coronary vessels in the different resol...
“Conditional GANs have enabled a variety of applications, but the results are often limited to low-resolution and still far from realistic. In this work, we generate 2048×1024 visually appealing results with a novel adversarial loss, as well as new multi-scale generator and discriminator archite...
High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models Robin Rombach1 ∗ Andreas Blattmann1 ∗ Dominik Lorenz1 Patrick Esser Bjo¨rn Ommer1 1Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich & IWR, Heidelberg University, Germany Runway ML
According to Bloomberg, OpenAI’s tool is designed to root out user-made pictures created by its own Dall-E 3 image generator. Speaking at the Wall Street Journal’s Tech Live event, Mira Murati, chief technology officer at OpenAI, claimed the tool is “99% reliable.” While the tech is...
High-Resolution Image Synthesis richard huang 华为2012,AIGC、多模态学习、深度学习基础研究4 人赞同了该文章 概述 之前GAN生成的图像要么只能到512这个级别,要么生成高分辨率的图像会丢失很多细节或者有比较多的artifact,这篇文章是pix2pix原帮人马写的,他们在pix2pix的基础上解决了一个大难题,也就是通过一定技术...
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Scene image generation based on bounding box conditionals as done in our CVPR2021 AI4CC workshop paperHigh-Resolution Complex Scene Synthesis with Transformers(see talk onworkshop page). Supporting the datasets COCO and Open Images. Training ...
Generative adversarial Network (GAN) is a powerful deep learning algorithm that synthesizes high-resolution images in an unsupervised manner13. GAN is composed of two deep-learning networks: a generator, which attempts to synthesize realistic images, and a discriminator, which learns image ...