Google Earth is a free program from Google that allows you to "fly" over a virtual globe and view the Earth through high-resolution graphics and satellite images. It is greatly superior to static maps and satellite images. Google Earth gives you a drone's-eye view of the world below....
We subsequently generated Köppen-Geiger maps at 0.01° resolution for each historical period and combination of adjusted air temperature and precipitation climatic datasets. Next, we created for each historical period a final Köppen-Geiger map from the ensemble of 12 (4×3) maps by selecting t...
To overcome this, one has to buy latest high resolution satellite image which is more expensive to purchase and sometimes it may not be possible to get the data due to security reasons. An alternative solution is to utilize Google earth imagery which is open source and provides clear view of...
Article Google Scholar Herrera S, Gutierrez JM, Ancell R, Pons MR, Frias MD, Fernandez J (2012) Development and analysis of a 50-year high-resolution daily gridded precipitation dataset over Spain (Spain02). Int J Climatol 32:74–85. doi:10.1002/joc.2256 Article Google Scholar Hersbac...
GoogleTest itself recommends that it is being downloaded as part of the build. However, you can use the system installed version by passing -DPREFER_SYSTEM_GTEST=ON to the cmake call. Use at your own risk. For other bundled libraries (namely fmt, parallel-hashmap, range-v3), the system...
High-resolution global maps of annual urban land coverage provide fundamental information of global environmental change and contribute to applications related to climate mitigation and urban planning for sustainable development. Here we map global annual urban dynamics from 1985 to 2015 at a 30 m re...
Google Map is a free web mapping application service and technology provided by Google Inc. The main functionalities are (i) to allow the user to see maps of the entire world, (ii) to plan a route and (iii) to perform business search in an area. In certain zones, high resolution satel...
R. A global, high-resolution (30-m) inland water body dataset for 2000: first results of a topographic–spectral classification algorithm. Int. J. Digit. Earth 9, 113–133 (2015) Google Scholar Yamazaki, D., Trigg, M. A. & Ikeshima, D. Development of a global ~90m water body ...
Freely available, high resolution imagery, coupled with an expanding collection of historical imagery accessible through the time slider, makes Google Earth an extraordinary platform for finding and carrying out geoscience and environmental science research projects in remote regions of the world. Over ...
Average inter-marker distances were between 0.0026 cM and 0.0030 cM for the female, male and sex-averaged map leading to a more than 100 times higher resolution compared with the linkage map published by Guo et al.10. Additionally, our linkage map was based on about one million SNPs from ...