Recently, a computer-generated moiré profilometry was proposed by our research group. It can effectively avoid the influence of the transient caused by moiré fringes’ direct acquisition and generally owns a higher accuracy. But when the spatial spectr
论文中文题目:基于背景差和SAG-YOLOv5s的高分辨率无人机检测 研究目标 为解决使用固定相机拍摄的高分辨率图像中,无人机检测的准确率低、速度慢的问题。提出了一种基于背景差异和轻量级网络SAG-YOLOv5s相结合的检测方法,然后,在YOLOv5s基础上引入了Ghost模块和SimAM注意力机制,同时使用α-DIoU损失函数代替原始的DIoU...
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hd resolution enhances the gaming experience by providing more detailed graphics and sharper images. whether you're playing on a console, personal computer (pc), or mobile device, hd displays allow you to see the fine details in games, resulting in a more immersive and realistic gameplay ...
Why would you be interested in obtaining the system time with a resolution below one millisecond? In the course of my work, I found it necessary to be able to determine the sequence of events originating from different threads of execution in my process. I also needed to relat...
Official repository for the paperReal-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art matting results at 4K 30fps and HD 60fps on an Nvidia RTX 2080 TI GPU. ...