painful defecation, or the sensation of incomplete bowel movement, and it can be idiopathic. This study aimed to compare the findings from high-resolution anorectal manometry (HRAM) and the balloon expulsion test (BET) in 360 patients with functional constipation ...
Archeops is a balloon-borne instrument dedicated to measuring cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies at high angular resolution (8′) over a large fraction (25%) of the sky in the millimetre domain. Based on Planck high frequency instrument technology, cooled bolometers (0.1 K...
Awesome High Resolution... Awesome high resolution... Awesome Lazy Boy Motorb... Awesome Random Array of... Awesome Visual Effect H... B&W Bike Wallpaper Baby Oleg Wallpaper Baby White Lions Back of The Net Bad weather wallpaper Balloon Ride Balloon wallpaper Balloons and Moons Bane! Bane...
Here we have our very latest 2014 HD and high resolutiondesktopbackground wallpaper, and in keeping with time of year we have this ‘The Turn of The Calendar’ for you all. As you probably realized this desktop wallpaper represents the ending of the year 2014 and the beginning of the new...
A balloon-borne 30 cm telescope-spectrograph combination was built to observe fine structures of the solar atmosphere with very high spectral and angular resolution in two atmospheric windows: 2700 to 2950 A and 1900 to 2300 A. Solar spectra with spectral resolution of 15 mA and angular resolutio...
Mapping stream surface flow types by balloon: An inexpensive high resolution remote sensing solution to rapid assessment of stream habitat heterogeneity? 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者:MA Reid,MC Thoms 摘要: Spatial variation in hydraulic conditions in streams often results in distinct ...
The blackbody radiation left over from the Big Bang has been transformed by the expansion of the Universe into the nearly isotropic 2.73 K cosmic microwave background. Tiny inhomogeneities in the early Universe left their imprint on the microwave back
Flight test of an autonomous payload for measuring sky brightness and ground light pollution using a stratospheric sounding balloon 2022, Acta Astronautica Citation Excerpt : Light pollution has been lately recognized as an increasingly important issue not only for astronomical observations but also for ...
Everything looks better on black! This texture pack has 22 artistic slapdash styled images on black backgrounds. The amazing thing about this pack is that they are extremely high resolution. Most of the images are around 4000 x 5000 pixels at 300 PPI. With this high of a resolution you ca...
The nuclear compton telescope: A balloon-borne soft γ-ray spectrometer, polarimeter, and imager Our collaboration has begun the design and development of a prototype high resolution Compton telescope utilizing 3-D imaging germanium detectors. The Nucl... SE Boggs,P Jean,RP Lin,... - Aip Confe...