5 rounds (pyramid workout) –5 reps –10 reps –15 reps –10 reps –5 reps 跟著女人進階一起大挑戰,今天第一天:) 本來以為BodyRock已經很累人了, 沒想到ZWOW更累啊~~~ Zuzana做one leg lunge時用的器材是壺鈴, 我自己用啞鈴代替囉~ Tags: fitness, lunge, push-ups, Zuzana, ZWOW Comments Leave...
4 exercises/ 4 minutes for each exercise, 20 seconds workout/ 10 seconds rest –ALT balance burn –bunny hop –weighted leg raise –broad jump burpee 剛搬到新住處,休息了兩天今天正式開始操練:)。weighted leg raise因為還沒有啞鈴,就用1.5L的寶特瓶裝水作囉~其他沒有特殊器材,就跟著Zuzana作就是了...
Burpee Repeat 5 times through On the Road Bored with your usual routine? Switch up your next run with this reverse pyramid HIIT workout. Warm up with an easy jog and dynamic drills, perform the workout below, and then cool down.
–half burpee half push-up 50 seconds work/ 10 seconds rest repeat 3 times 今天先做了一遍slim and sexy rep challenge,接著做三組dream body workout~ slim and sex rep challenge是針對腹部,froggy leg ups和straight leg ups很不簡單哪!!!做完肚子超級痠~ dream body workout則是一般的HIIT囉~沒有...
4 exercises/ 4 minutes for each exercise, 20 seconds workout/ 10 seconds rest –ALT balance burn –bunny hop –weighted leg raise –broad jump burpee剛搬到新住處,休息了兩天今天正式開始操練:)。weighted leg raise因為還沒有啞鈴,就用1.5L的寶特瓶裝水作囉~其他沒有特殊器材,就跟著Zuzana作就是了!
–half burpee half push-up 50 seconds work/ 10 seconds rest repeat 3 times 今天先做了一遍slim and sexy rep challenge,接著做三組dream body workout~ slim and sex rep challenge是針對腹部,froggy leg ups和straight leg ups很不簡單哪!!!做完肚子超級痠~ dream body workout則是一般的HIIT囉~沒有...