Intuitively, one might think this always means maximizing high-quality-output per low-quality input. That was my first thought, and indeed many others' as well. The script will let you run optimization problems phrased in this way, if that's what you want. For instance, we can craft legen...
Inhis paper we proposeigh-rate dataidingechniqueorudioignalsuitableor non-securepplicationshatequire largeitateut no particularobustnessottacks.ore particularly,he proposedechnique isuitableor enriched-contentpplications involvingncompressed PCMudioignals,ssed inudio-CDnd .wavormats. Itpplieshe Quanti...
Owing to its unique penetrating power and high-resolution capability, X-ray imaging has been an irreplaceable tool since its discovery. Despite the significance, the resolution of X-ray imaging has largely been limited by the technical difficulties on X-
High-grade hematite ores of the Iron Ore Group in the Noamundi area, Jharkhand state, India, are hosted by a laterally extensive, 220-m-thick banded iron formation (BIF) in a folded greenstone belt succession of Paleoarchean age. Single orebodies, which are up to 3 km long along strike ...
In a broader perspective, the average quality or dependencies of the data quality on, e.g., m/z, can be determined. On average, the regressions have a low normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) value of 0.40%. The nRMSE is calculated with the square root of MSE (Eq. 13) and ...
While the former is calculated by dividing the number of well-classified samples by the total number of samples, class sensitivity (Eq. (1)) and specificity (Eq. (2)) are calculated as follows (Riedl, Esslinger, & Fauhl-Hassek, 2015):(1)Sensitivity=TPTP+FN(2)Specificity=TNTN+FPwhere ...
(1)According to the high-pressure roller mill performance evaluation index, the original data matrix X is constructed, as shown in Eq. (19): $$X={\left( {{X_{ij}}} \right)_{mn}}=\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{x_{11}}}& \ldots &{{x_{1n}}} \\ \vdots & \ddo... OPEN received: 14 June 2016 accepted: 25 October 2016 Published: 28 November 2016 Ultraviolet optomechanical crystal cavities with ultrasmall modal mass and high optomechanical coupling rate Wen Zhou1, Zejie Yu1, Jingwen Ma1,2, Bingqing Zhu1, Hon Ki ...
In deriving Eq. (3) it is assumed, in accordance with the experimental set-up, that in the presence of an applied voltage difference, the concentration and pressure gradients across the nanopore vanish. These conditions lead to non-zero electro-osmotic solution flow through the nanopore, which ...
In the zero-crossing method, we only focus on the zero-crossing points where both sides of Eq. (1) should be zero. The zero-crossing points are not sensitive to fluctuations in the power spectrum of the background noise and non-linear filtering in the data processing (Ekström et al. ...