Ferrell, Bruce A
The researchers looked at those who drank fruity juices and those who drank other sweet drinks. Both groups, they found, showed a higher risk of cancer overall. For prostate and color1ectal cancers, no link was found. The researchers said this might have been because there was only a ...
However, based on the currently available evidence regarding HIIT, it cannot be recommended as a single modality for fall prevention strategies in individual seniors living in the community. However, HIIT may be considered as a supplement to proven fall prevention programs such as the Otago exercise...
There are already several clinico-pathological features to predict the outcome of surgery in patients with PM. These variables include age, weight loss, dyspnea, anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, tumor volume, C-reactive protein (CPR) level, epithelial tumor histology, and white blood cell count...