High Priority is a compact team of highly skilled artists with deep-rooted knowledge and expertise. We love to build 3D art and provide our skills to help you realize your 3D needs. Whether you or your company require 3D assets, environments, shaders, effects, art direction, or art problem...
其次,3D和High Priority 3D这两项,在输出分辨率为4K的时候都会有不小的占用,这估计也是不少朋友单机直播高规格会顿卡的原因之一。左边绿圈处会显示掉的帧数,理想情况下做到0掉帧没有问题,上图为H264硬压4K60遇到兼容性问题的掉帧截图,其他方案均为0掉帧。更深层次的原因暂时无法确认,估计也解决不了。参考上...
- Sorting Priority 允许更改重叠的透明表面的渲染顺序。有关更多信息以及用法示例,请参阅材质排序文档。仅当Surface Type 设置为 Transparent 时,才显示此属性。 - Receive Fog 指示雾效是否影响透明表面。禁用后,HDRP 在计算场景中的雾效时不会考虑此材质。 - Transparent Depth Prepass 指示HDRP 是否将透明...
High priority candidate landing sites for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission have been proposed by various researchers, their significance based largely on spectroscopic and geomorphic evidence for aqueous processes. Specifically, seven candidate landing sites are under consideration for MSL at the...
The 3D macroporous Cu foam provides both continuous local void spaces to alleviate stress generated from large vaohliugmherecvhearnsigbelseocfaSpnacOit2yc,osuatpinergiolaryrearteducarpinagbiclyitcyl,inang.dTshtaisbcleocmybcilenarteitoenntoiof nprwopitehrptireessienrvthinegeiltesctsrtorudcetudreaml ...
Moreover, only 13% of FSWs used condoms consistently at jatras. Condom availability and accessibility at jatras should be a priority for HIV prevention programmes, and such programmes should make efforts to introduce outreach activities at jatras. 展开 ...
Explore the differences between high resolution and low resolution displays, and find out why choosing a high resolution display matters when it comes to your viewing experience.
the long liquid channels could be trapped or hindered by the developing dendritic solid network. Solidification cracking would occur when liquid feeding becomes insufficient to compensate for solidification shrinkage and thermal contraction28,29. Figure3ddisplays the melting zone fabricated with the ER4043...
P2: Mid Priority. An important issue which is in the queue to be processed soon. P3: Low Priority. An important issue which may get dealt with at a later date. P4: Wishlist. An issue with merit but low priority which is up for grabs but likely to be pruned if not addressed after ...
Distributor Price and All Your Orders will have the First Priority to Put into Production and etc. Q: What's Your Major Markets? A: Our Markets are Mainly Concentrated in America, Europe, Australia, Asian etc. Many of ...