Venue: High Point,High Point NC,United States Inspiration abounds every spring and fall as High Point Market comes alive with showroom after showroom of meticulous design, more educational opportunities than several conferences combined, endless networking opportunities, and the resources you need to mov...
High Point Market 起源于 20 世纪初,每年两届,分别在当年的四月与十月举行,逾100年历史,参展商2200家以上,180多座展楼,总参展面积达11,500,000平方英尺,现已发展成为家具和家用纺织品行业的领先盛会,是世界上规模最大的家具及家饰品供应基地,成千上万的款项在这里全新登场亮相。从经典到顶尖新创,你能在这里找...
展会时间:2024年10月26-30日(一年两届) 展会地点:美国北卡罗来纳州海波因特高点镇 展品范围:卧室家具、办公家具、厨房家具、客厅家具、浴室家具、庭院家具、儿童家具、玻璃家具沙发、按摩椅、床垫、床上用品、仿古家具、家具配件、灯饰、家用工艺品、地毯、挂毯、五金配件等;展会...
High Point Market is the largest furnishings industry trade show in the world, with more than 2,000 manufacturers in 11.5 million square feet of showroom and exhibit space in multiple buildings in downtown High Point, North Carolina.'Each Market attracts tens of thousands of retail home ...
2024年美国高点家具及家居装饰展览会(High Point Market),展会时间:2024年04月13日~04月17日,展会地点:美国-北卡罗来纳州-209 S. Main Street, High Point, North Carolina 27260-高点家居会展中心,主办方:美国高点展览公司,举办周期:一年两届,展会面积:41800平米,参展观众:80000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到20...
2023年美国高点家具秋季展已于上月14日至18日召开,设计界充斥着High Point Market的最新产品。我们从2023秋季的美国高点家具展中总结了6个值得注意的趋势。 1 色彩:棕色是最新的基础色 对于涂料品牌来说,秋季是一个激动人心的时节,因为他们会纷纷公布他们的年度色彩预测。但如果说在高点家具展有什么色调很突出,那就...
ANDMORE at High Point Market is The Source for the Best Design & Exhibitor Resources at High Point's Furniture & Home Décor Market. High Point Fall Market is October 26-30, 2024.
ANDMORE at High Point Market is The Source for the Best Design & Exhibitor Resources at High Point's Furniture & Home Décor Market. High Point Fall Market is October 26-30, 2024.
Education and networking opportunities are slated for ANDMORE at High Point Market this spring with more than 30 seminars and events.
紐約2024年11月18日/美通社/ -- 全球知名的家具制造商及零售商Tribesigns與家居一站式電商Wayfair近日在2024年美國高點家具及家居裝飾展覽會(High Point Market 2024)上進一步加強了雙方的持續合作伙伴關係。 此次合作彰顯了Tribesigns通過不斷推出獨特設計的家具產品,致力於保持其獨特品牌形象的承諾。