HTTP协议是前端性能乃至安全中一个非常重要的话题,最近在看《web性能权威指南(High Performance Browser Networking)》,把其中关于HTTP部分的内容拿出来分享一下,加了一点自己的想法,当然没有《HTTP权威指南》讲得详细,但对于理解我们平常做的事情很有启发。预计会有两三篇文章,重点分别会涉及到HTTP 1.1、HTTPS、HTTP ...
经典电子书《High Performance Browser Networking》Web性能权威指南英文原版 中文翻译 性能是一种特性。这本书为每个网页开发者...
HTTP协议并没有指定TCP为唯一的传输协议。如果我们需要,我们完全可以基于数据报套接字(UDP)或任何其他传输协议实现HTTP通信,但在实际应用中,在互联网上所有HTTP通信都是通过TCP传送。 正因为如此,了解TCP的一些核心机制是Web性能优化必不可少的知识。实际情况是,你可能不会在应用中直接使用TCP套接字,但你在应用层选...
By understanding what the browser can and cannot do, you ll be able to make better design decisions and deliver faster web applications to your users.§Author Ilya Grigorik a developer advocate and web performance engineer at Google starts with the building blocks of TCP and UDP, and then ...
先说书名,我看到这书名的时候其实还思量着书里面会讲些Web前端(HTML、CSS、JS层面)以及Web后端(后台程序、数据库、缓存等)的优化,但实际上只是很简略的提过一下HTML页面上资源加载的优化。于是我猜想是不是翻译的问题,查了英文版名称《High Performance Browser Network... (展开) ...
Chapter 17. WebSocket WebSocket enables bidirectional, message-oriented streaming of text and binary data between client and server. It is the closest API to a raw network socket in the browser. … - Selection from High Performance Browser Networking [B
链接: 提取码:vq06 --来自百度网盘超级会员V3的分享 High Performance Browser Networking : What every web developer should know about networking and web performance Ilya Grigorik
High Performance Browser Networking - TCP UDP TLS 延迟 定义和标准延迟 延迟简单地说,它是一种转移或信息包从起点到终点,所花费的时间。 延迟=发送延迟+传播延迟+处理延迟+排队延迟: Propagation delay 传播时延 传播时延这个概念。是指电磁信号或者光信号在传输介质中传输的时延。而在光纤或者铜线中。光信号和...
What started as an experiment to play with the Chrome browser APIs and explore web performance optimisations,New Tabhas grown into something that genuinely improves my productivity. Maybe it can help you too! Features Fastest loading of any new tab page with all the features you expect. ...
Alacrity is a high performance WebView for Unity, utilizing hardware acceleration it can achieve 144fps, 240fps, 360fps and even higher framerates on the embedded WebView. 可编程渲染管线(SRP)兼容性 Unity可编程渲染管线(SRP)是让您能够通过C#脚本控制渲染的一个功能。SRP是支撑通用...