High Peak and Staffordshire Moorlands councils are old hands at joint working arrangements, having established a Strategic Alliance some 11 years ago. Their well-established shared workforce is responsible for a huge area that cuts a swathe through the heart of England. It takes in most of the ...
All experimental procedures were performed in accordance with the recommendations of the European Community Council and French legislation for care and use of laboratory animals. The protocols were approved by the Grenoble ethical committee (ComEth) and authorized by the French ministry (number 04815.02)...
Additional challenges are also likely in the areas of cooling, power delivery and reliability. The thermal demands of emerging 2.5D and 3D packaging architectures in terms of an increase of the hotspot peak power densities compared to average values have already been highlighted18. Additional 3D-sta...
Union Rui New Materials: Supporting and Supplying High-Performance Products such as Lowα Silicon Balls and Lowα Aluminium Balls in Batch Union Rui New Materials recently stated during investor research that the company's supply to some advanced packaging material customers includes globally renowned ...
Craig Allen, president of the U.S.-China Business Council, told Xinhua Wednesday that rising price of oil makes the inflation control job more difficult in the short term, and he suspects that the Fed would stick to its plan to raise interest rates at the policy meeting next week. "What...
Focused Very-High Energy Electron (VHEE, 50–300 MeV) and Ultra-High Energy Electron (UHEE, > 300 MeV) beams can accurately target both large and deeply seated human tumors with high sparing properties, while avoiding the spatial requirements and cost of proton and heavy ion facilities. Advance...
All AI-based systems relying on the processing of personal and sensible data should be based on the principles of Convention 108+ of the Council of Europe [20], which must still be applied fully and under all circumstances regardless of whether it is the use of data about biometric data, ...
This work is funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research. Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors. CRediT authorship contribution statement Taj Mohammad: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Investigation, Data...
To address whether RPA self-assembly occurs in the absence of blue-light-induced seeding, we immunoprecipitated green fluorescent protein (GFP)-RPA2 from benzonase-treated lysates of a stable GFP-RPA2 cell line and tested whether other RPA subunits are enriched together with GFP-RPA2. Remarkably...
We address the quality of the synthetic energy consumption data on two intrinsic qualities of energy use data: magnitude (usage over 24 hours) and load shape (pattern of consumption). Magnitude and load shape can be examined across the temporal (hour/day/month/year) and spatial (household/...