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“Richard W. Lawrence, Jr., chairman of the board of trustees, introduced members of the Essex County Board of Supervisors and members of the Franklin County Board of Legislators and other trustees. He also presented the degrees and certificates. “Timothy N...
Nursing was the most discussed in terms of turnover, which is why their retention is of particular interest. Some national strategies, like in Canada, are dedicated specifically for increasing interest in nursing careers [68]. To tackle shortages in general medicine, some countries, like Canada,...
I feel like a big part of the social problems is just knowing that you made it into med school, and that your hard work and your dedication is paying off, and that you just have to keep pushing yourself through those obstacles. (F1F2) Theme 2 Focus on Future Goals Students noted the ...
Self-rated health (SRH), a subjective assessment of health status, is extensively used in the field of public health. The validity of SRH measures, in terms of their ability to predict mortality risk, has been established in multiple studies [1]. The utility of SRH assessments has been show...
These findings appear to be in line with others in rural areas. A study examining NEMS-S scores among counties in Montana with varying degrees of rurality based on rural–urban continuum (RUC) codes ranged from 28.7 in the most metro county (RUC code 3) to 21.8 in the most rural county...
Web helping nurses receive degrees, advance in careers.(NEWS: Nursing)O'Connor, John
State has cash for nursing students.(grants for pursuit of advanced nursing degrees)(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included)Barkholz, David