To form spheroids, cells expressing lifeact-RFP were seeded as single cells, in standard growth medium, at low density (3,000 cells per well) on growth factor-reduced Matrigel-coated glass-bottom dishes (coverslip no. 0; MatTek). After 12 h, the medium was replaced by a ...
Finally, the tolerant mutants (that survived the re-screening process) were transformed with pHS81 to restore the coding sequence of mutS and to remove the additional recA. Adaptive evolution for HLHT tolerance Synechococcus cells were inoculated in BG11 medium at an initial OD730 of 0.2–0.3 ...
The FSD micrograph was overlaid with an EBSD grain map, such that the microstructure could be better observed (note that the color-coding is not related to the crystallographic orientation of the grains). Figure 2 shows that after annealing a single-phase fcc alloy with equiaxed grains was ...
Since only a single medium was selected and cultured in an anaerobic environment, we did not isolate all the age-related strains analyzed by the above-mentioned big data. Fortunately, we have isolated a large number of Lactobacillus, mainly including L. salivarius, L. fermentum, L. plantarum,...
This is an Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Reprints and ...
First, it is representative of the genome in that it spans discrete regions of high and low SNP densities. Second, it is a gene dense region containing 79 protein coding genes, 2 retrotransposed genes, and 6 noncoding RNA genes. Third, it harbors numerous quantitative trait loci (QTLs) ...
every real stimulation condition compared to the sham stimulation. In comparison to other approaches, this estimator is debiased with respect tosample size. It is common to interpret Hedges’ g > 0.8 as a large effect, g > 0.5 as a medium effect, and g > 0.2 as a small effect. ...
High-resolution geological mapping is an important supporting condition for mineral and energy exploration. However, high-resolution geological mapping work still faces many problems. At present, high-resolution geological mapping is still generated by e
The traditional method for underwater communication is to use acoustics, which is a medium of sound. The attenuation of the sound wave in water is acceptable, which is competent for ultralong-reach communication up to tens of kilometers. However, underwater acoustic communication is limited by ...
The header and footer banners, color scheme, background, typography, and everything design-related is part of the theme. The total appearance. As WordPress users, WordPress themes are very helpful if you do not have much background in designing or coding. Once you install the software, it ...