Hyperandrogenism is a medical condition characterized by high levels of androgens in women, and less commonly in men. The presentation of hyperandrogenism
Levels of androgen in mixed-sex plasma pools of animals 4 and 8 days of age were higher than in either sex at all other ages examined. At postnatal Days 16, 30, and 60 (weaning), levels of androgen were equivalent in males and females and as high as in adult males. In both sexes,...
There was a significant sex-related difference in the atrial voltage only in the paroxysmal AF cohort. In nonparoxysmal AF patients, although the voltage of males was still greater than that of females, there was no significant difference. Compared with non-AF females, female patients with ...
Additionally, we compared this mouse model with a cohort of women diagnosed with PCOS and identified similar phenotypic signatures, suggesting a metabolic pathogenesis for this reproductive disorder in females. Methods Animal studies Wild-type C57BL/6J mice were purchased from Gempharmatech (Jiangsu, ...
In these strains males appear to be at a disadvantage immunologically in that they have lower plasma immunoglobulin levels and lower specific immune responses than females of the same strains or males of low androgen responder strains, the A/J and the 129/J. The low immune status of these ...
C, Change in total cardiac area and cardiac fibrosis with and without induction of fibrosis in females and males (n=4–5 animals per group). Total cardiac area and fibrosis was quantified using high-resolution images of trichrome-stained midventricular sections as shown in B (also see Figure ...
Signs of High Testosterone in Women Hyperandrogenism describes the excess production of androgens2, which can include testosterone. However, in women, excess testosterone levels can suppress ovulation and lead to symptoms,including irregular periods and infertility, among others. ...
Sex differences in the association of endogenous sex hormone levels and glucose tolerance status in older men and women Some evidence suggests an inverse association between type 2 diabetes and androgens in men and a positive association between type 2 diabetes and androgens... D, Goodman-Gruen,E...
Testosterone and other androgens are key hormones in regulating the expression of many forms of male ornamentation and other sexually-dimorphic traits18,25,36,37,38,39. High testosterone production, however, can suppress immune function6such that in many species, only high-quality individuals are ca...
Correlates of Circulating Androgens in Mid-Life Women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation CONTEXT: Androgens influence sexual differentiation and behavior, body composition, and physical functioning in men, but their role in women is less well u... S Nanette,T Javier,C Sybil,... ...