the Dionysian bender that opens the film is rivaled only by the frenetic sequence in which Nellie becomes an overnight sensation, summoning tears at will and upstaging the irritated headliner while a nearby battle scene rages before a different crew. Even though Nellie...
unleashes one of the most audacious and provocative films of the year with “Promising Young Woman,” the writer-director-producer’s feature debut. A pitch-black commentary on the unrelenting and insidious misogyny that keeps a tight grip on the culture even in the face of ...
“It was so great and wonderful to have that sort of direct connection, you know?” said Brennan. “He's actually the reason that Nora became aware of us in the first place– because he was a fan of ours as a teenager. He went to his mom and was like, I think these guys would ...
Beer Snob A Taste of the Drift Prairie Wellness Living in the Shadows: The Struggles of Finding Community While Battling Grief and Mental Health Live and Learn Rynn Willgohs 1972-2024 Last Word Two Contrasting Visions of Agriculture...
Wellness coaches and health bloggers can offer recurring shipments of supplements and vitamins or curate health kits like a seven-day juice cleanse or 30-day health kit. Pet food, snacks, and supplies Dog trainers, vets, pet behaviorists, and other animal bloggers can set up subscription boxes ...
Tom arrived a few years later to help Rusty expand opportunities for students and to grow and transform the major at my alma mater. Still hurting from the loss of Ted, I didn’t immediately realize that the addition of Tom was monumental. We regarded each other warily, mostly keeping our ...
we must not let our core values be held hostage by political divisiveness because after all, I think we all strive for the same thing-- life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. At least that’s one part of the constitution that holds up since its inception. Maybe it’s time to focus...
Indian Fighting Today: Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher Culture The onion calendar: A folk forecasting tradition Best Bets Herbalism for Winter Wellness Editorial ‘No one wants to work anymore.’ Why? Gadfly Doomsday Clock is Ticking ...
a student steel drum and salsa ensemble at MSUM. He will be providing his talents on steel drum in two different pieces. One is “Mambo Mindero,” a piece by Cal Tjader, perhaps the single most successful non-Latino Latin musician. The other piece, “La Gresca” was composed by Dr...
” Sand said. “This project has been a labour of love for our deep appreciation of the arts. We invite you to join us in our vision by helping create a strong community by fostering and promoting the talents of local artists, musicians and entrepreneurs. We would like to have you as ...