CULTURING METHOD OF GREEN VEGETABLES AND FRUITS CONTAINING A HIGH LEVEL OF SELENIUM AND CALCIUMThe present invention relates to a method for cultivating leafy fruits with high selenium and calcium content, the method comprising: producing yeast cells that accumulate organic selenium at a high ...
DOCUMENT / 文件 Remarks by President Xi Jinping at the High-Level Meeting to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations 习近平在联合国成立75周年纪念峰会上的讲话 Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth: China in Action 共建地球生命共同体:中国在行动 Remarks at the High-Level ...
The effect of high level section of the spinal cord upon the hepatic cyclic AMP system was investigated in the rat. We report that transection of the spinal cord dramatically decreases the basal level of cyclic AMP from 0.88 nmol/g liver to 0.36 nmol/g at 1 h and to 0.20 nmol/g at 4...
For 4 weeks, 4-week-old male Wistar rats were fed a Torula yeast-based Se-deficient diet (basal diet) or a diet supplemented with a graded level (0.04, 0.08, 0.16, and 0.32 microgram/g) of Se as either sodium selenite or SeY, which was obtained from two different sources. Se ...
Higher levels of plasma selenium might increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and elevated fasting plasma glucose levels22. Furthermore, selenium intake reduces serum C3, an early marker of metabolic syndrome manifestations, in healthy young adults23. Wu (2012) demonstrated that high level of serum...
However, the preparation of high-quality Kesterite absorbers for photovoltaics is still challenging for the uncontrollability and complexity of selenization reactions between metal element precursors and selenium. In this study, we propose a solid-liquid/solid-gas (solid precursor and liquid/vapor Se)...
rats were exposed from conception until 200 days of age to diets containing an adequate (0.33-0.45 mg/kg diet) or high (3.33-3.45 mg/kg) concentration of selenium as Se-methylselenocysteine and a low (10 mg/kg) or high (600 mg/kg) level of isoflavones in a 2 脳 2 factorial design....
The use of elevated dietary Se level in the form of Se-enriched yeast resulted in higher Se muscle concentrations accompanied by increased of malondialdehyde content. The meat quality traits remained unaffected. High selenium concentrations in muscle produced by Se-enriched yeast were accompanied by ...
Morphological and biochemical blood indicators of ducklings, which are raised for the purpose of meat with the different level of selenium in feeding-stuffs (rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano and cinnamon) on the growth performance and blood biochemical parameters of Pekin ducklings in an organic produ...
The dramatic effect of blocking TGF-β signalling was also observed at the level of cell contraction. In the absence of A83-01, beating cells were observed 3 weeks post expression of GHMT and reached ∼200 cells per cm2 by 4 weeks (Fig. 5c). Treatment of GHMT-infected cultures with ...