高级语言(High-level programming language)相对于机器语言(machine language,是一种指令集的体系。这种指令集,称机器码(machine code),是电脑的CPU可直接解读的数据)而言。是高度封装了的编程语言,与低级语言相对。它是以人类的日常语言为基础的一种编程语言,使用一般人易于接受的文字来表示(例如汉字、不规则英文或其...
网络释义 1. 高阶层语言 ... 217516,"应用程式"," Application Programs" 217517,"高阶层语言","High-Level Languages" 217518,"编译器"," Compilers" ... www.guandang.com|基于5个网页 2. 阶语言 ...l, Pascal, Fortran, …低阶语言(High-level languages) : 实例:Assembly, Machine Code (Microcode...
Related to high-level language:assembly language,machine language n (Computer Science) a computer programming language that resembles natural language or mathematical notation and is designed to reflect the requirements of a problem; examples include Ada, BASIC, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal. See alsomac...
A High-Level Certification Language for Automatically Generated CodeEwen DenneyBernd Fischer
Ahigh-levelprogramcannotdirectlyrunintheoperatingsystem,theexecutionaccordingtotheneedsofcomputersystem,thecomputercodeistranslatedintomachinelanguagecanbedirectlyrun.Thisworkisahigh-levellanguageautomaticprocessingsystem. Thegeneralwillbewritteninahigh-levellanguageprogramcalled"sourceprogram",thetranslationofthemachinelan...
Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python. scrapy.org Topics python crawler framework scraping crawling web-scraping hacktoberfest web-scraping-python Resources Readme License BSD-3-Clause license Code of conduct Code of conduct Security policy Security policy ...
In this paper, we introduce a new high-level, dataflow programming language called C~ (“C flow”) that further increases productivity by raising the level of abstraction from behavioral descriptions, while overcoming the limitations of C for hardware de
High-level programming language is a machine-independent, process- or object-oriented language. High-level language is a language designed with reference to the language of mathematics, which is similar to everyday conve...
HPL - The High-Level Property Specification Language HPL is a minimalistic specification language tailored for behavioural properties of message-based systems. Although it might be useful in other contexts, it was designed with the message-passing system of the Robot Operating System in mind. Since ...
Generate High-Level Synthesis Code from MATLAB®algorithms High-Level Synthesis (HLS) libraries are C++ based libraries that provides an event-driven simulation interface. HLS sets up a foundation for hardware software co-design and allows the re-use of a test bench across various levels of a ...