Arch Gen Psychiatry
t-tests were used to compare means between two groups, and for categorical variables the Chi-Square test was used. Triglycerides levels, fasting and 2-hour glucose, HbA1c, fasting insulin and HOMA-IR and inflammation markers were log-transformed to normalize their distributions for analysis. ...
3A). Given that it has been established that TGF-β induces EndoMT via the Smad pathway, we investigated whether activin A similarly induces EndoMT via this pathway, and accordingly found that activin A promoted increases in the phosphorylation of Smad3 and the expression of mesenchymal markers,...
These markers from routine blood tests have a good future due to their affordability and accessibility. Many previous studies have found that NHR has a better application in the above-mentioned indices due to its unique advantages16,17,18,23. Firstly, T2DM and ACS involve complex pathological ...
Diagnosis is typically made by colonoscopy to visualise polyps or tumours, or faecal occult blood tests to detect blood in the stool [8]. Serum levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) are used as a prognostic tool for CRC patients and to indicate recurrence after treatment with 80% sensitivity...
Although evaluation of platelet aggregation (PA) was the primary objective of the study, platelet activation and markers of inflammation and necrosis also were evaluated during the first 24 h. To avoid any interaction of PCI on the kinetics of all these markers, it was decided to study patients...
The analysis divided the patients into non-survivor and survivor groups, and reviewed their medical records for clinical aspects, comorbidities, pulmonary function tests and blood tests. Results In the high-risk group, the number of comorbidities at diagnosis (P = 0.020) and the Charlson ...
Progressive hepatic steatosis leads sequentially to increased intrahepatic inflammation, steatosis, fibrosis, and ultimately can result in cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease. It has been shown that inflammation and steatosis in the liver correlate with progression of coronary atherosclerosis and increase ...
be accurately measured on an automated high-throughput chemistry analyzer and used to diagnose inflammation and classify high CVD risk. This method enables individuals to engage in at-home sampling of blood on DBS for (tele)diagnostics, screening programs, patient follow-up, and medication management...
urethral stricture). Each of these patients has had performed at least an abdominal ultrasound to rule out neoplasms (patients with urolithiasis usually also had a computed tomography (CT) scan) and a basic bundle of lab tests required for urological surgery that rule out inflammation. Patients we...