Academics use to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. 1,909,019 academics have signed up to, adding 1,582,043 papers and 560,116 research interests. attracts ...
Mega Journal of Case Reports is top Case Reports with good Impact factor and reputation from all over the world researchers.
Mega Journal of Case Reports is top Case Reports with good Impact factor and reputation from all over the world researchers.
The Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality is a leading primary research journal, committed to publishing cutting-edge research in all the diverse areas of the field, and synthesizing scientific information for the advancement of science.
The Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography publishes original research results that are of utmost importance. Additionally, studies pertaining to broad conceptual or technical advancements in the field are also showcased by the journal.
We reviewed the first 10 original research papers of 2009 published in the 50 original research journals with the highest impact factor. For each journal we documented the policies related to public availability and sharing of data. Of the 50 journals, 44 (88%) had a statement in their ...
Journal Impact Factor: 1.45*, 3.38 (5 Years Impact Factor) Global Impact Factor: 0.654 Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience (ISSN: 2171-6625) is an international circulating peer-reviewed Open Access journal presenting original research contributions and scientific advances in the field of Neurology ...
Publishing in indexed journals with a high impact factor. Importance and strategies to achieve thisdoi:10.36610/j.jsaas.2023.100200072xCONTRACTSPUBLISHINGBOOK industrySCIENTIFIC knowledgeANIMAL reproductionRESEARCH personnelCITATION analysisGarcía Díaz, Juan Ramón...
An International Open Access Journal Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal Two ISSN Number Approved by National Science Library High Impact factor Indexing in all major database Provide DOI to all Publish Paper Citation Generator Low Publication Fees ...
Journal Impact Factor: 2.18* Cellular & Molecular Medicine: Open accessis a peer reviewed, open access journal that encompasses all fundamental and molecular aspects of Medicine. The Journal publishes current and comprehensive reviews, original research articles, short communications/letters, drug clinical...