Section > Chapter Bac, D.J.; Pruimboom, W.M.; Mulder, P.G.; Zijlstra, F.J.; Wilson, J.H. Liver 15(5): 265-270 1995 ISSN/ISBN:0106-9543 8531597 10.1111/j.1600-0676.1995.tb00683.x 008771652 Download citation: Text | BibTeX ...
Satoh M, Matsuno T, Tomita H, Miura H, Nasuno T, Iga S-I (2008) Nonhydrostatic Icosaheral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) for global cloud resolving simulations. J Comput Phys 227:3486–3514 Article Google Scholar Seo H, Subramanian AC, Miller AJ, Cavanaugh NR (2014) Coupled impacts of the...
Advances in microscopy hold great promise for allowing quantitative and precise measurement of morphological and molecular phenomena at the single-cell level in bacteria; however, the potential of this approach is ultimately limited by the availability o
Missing values were imputed with MCMC for IGA 0/1 response and EASI; no imputations were made for the proportion of patients with at least a 4-point improvement in pruritus NRS score. The continuous secondary end points of percentage change in pruritus NRS score and change in total BSA ...
| �1 − �2 4s 2 − |2 , (1) wtrahnerseveNrs =e 1p/o(πsiσti o− nσ +o )f two Gaussians, giving tiphsheaostntoronernmiga(tihl i=zo a1ft,i2toh)neacnpodonsσsitt ia±on nat,raeqnitd =h em(xsoi.,...
Anigaruar is the largest source of the largest product in the world. It is a figure of elegant quality. In fact, we found the latest version of the game viewer. Following replica hublot watch “LUNC COB” LOCK U0026 Rdquo Apollo 15; (Apollo 15) N ° N ° of 40th anniversary (40 ...
Isogeometric analysis (IGA) proposed by Hughes et al. [1], [2] has been attracting much interest from both computer-aided design (CAD) and simulation (especially finite element analysis, FEA) communities. It yields unusually brilliant success among structural vibration [3], fluid–structure intera...
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Pregnancy-associated glycosylation changes have previously been studied in this cohort for specific proteins such as IgG, AAT and immunoglobulin A (IgA), as well as for serum glycans using CGE-LIF methodology12,32. The use of derived traits allowed us to obtain additional biological insight, as ...
It exceeds 1.15 (/day),—meaning that the biomass more than doubles each day—compared to 0.1–0.7 for most insect–plant pairs, including that of Pieris melete, a sibling of P. rapae which never becomes a pest of cabbage. My data further showed the RGR in the larval stage (larval ...