The results of meta-analysis showed that LLLT has emerged as a potential non-invasive treatment for DFUs, as LLLT was found to effectively reduce the ulcer area [weighted MD (WMD) 34.18, 95 % CI: 19.38 to 48.99, p < 0.00001], improve the complete healing rate [odds ratio (OR) 6...
We examined associations between pixel-level RT and 863 diseases as defined by PheCodes (combining ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes as defined by the Phecode Map 1.2 Data were available for 35,900 participants. After FDR correction, 386 diseases (44%) were signifi...
Congenital heart disease EHR: Electronic health record ICD-10: International Classification of Disease 10th edition PCP: Primary care physician QI: Quality improvement RSV: Respiratory syncytial virus Z29.11: Need for respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis ICD-10 References AAoP Committee on ...
We defined incident cardiovascular death using ICD-10 codes of deaths from diseases of the heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51), essential hypertension and hypertensive renal disease (I10, I12, I15), cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69), and peripheral vascular disease (I73).13...
Diseases 10thRevision (ICD-10) codes of the 4 certain health end points stays consistent with the GBD 2019 Cause-ICD Codes Map ( The GEMM developed the exposure-response curve from ambient PM2.5level as follows...
Acute myocardial infarction was defined as ICD-10 code I21, with either an A code regardless of prior myocardial infarction or a B code for participants with no prior myocardial infarction. Angina was defined as ICD-10 code I20 (A or B code) or initiation of nitrate therapy (≥2 ...
Comorbidities based only on re- cords from the APDC included: ischaemic heart disease (ICD-10-AM I20-I25); cerebrovascular disease (I60-I69); cancer (excluding non-melanomatous skin cancers) in the year prior to COVID-19 diagnosis (C00-C97, exclud- ing C44); chronic kidney disease (...
Incident CHD was defined by the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes I20–I25. Inci- dent stroke was defined by ICD codes I60–I64. Preva- lent comorbidities including dyslipidemia (ICD-10 codes E78), type 1 diabetes (ICD-10 code E10), type 2 ...
Using American Heart Association criteria, MACCEs were defined as 1 or more of the following recorded in ICD-10 codes: acute type 1 or type 2 myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock or acute heart failure, unstable angina, and stroke. Total cardiac death was included in 30-day postoperative ...
We selected 2910 samples from the UK Biobank, comprising 1448 CAD cases and 1468 controls having European ancestry. The cases were selected with ICD-9 codes of 410.X, 411.0, 412.X, 429.79 or ICD-10 codes of I21.X, I22.X, I23.X, I24.1, I25.2. We used the imputed genetic data ...