High Ground: Directed by Stephen Johnson. With Guruwuk Mununggurr, Wakarra Gondarra, Mark Garrawurra, Neville Namarnyilk. In a bid to save the last of his family, Gutjuk, a young Aboriginal man, teams up with ex-soldier Travis to track down Baywara, the
The High Ground: Directed by Otto Michael Penzato. With Kevin Allen, Lisa Coombs, Quinn Hemphill, Dani Jae. The Empathos team is forced to confront the consequences of their actions.
Austin Clarke / High Ground Gaming General Sensitivity:43 Slightly lower than the default, this sensitivity setting allows for greater control. Many professionals with aggressive playstyles will lower this to the mid-to-low 30’s. Still, anything below 50 will provide excellent precision. ...
High Midnight: Directed by Daniel Haller. With Mike Connors, David Birney, Christine Belford, Granville Van Dusen. Blue-collar worker Tony Giannetti vows to avenge the murder of his wife and child in a drug raid when the police, led by a ruthlessly ambit
float background NaN value that is used when sampling an undefined region outside the volume domain Configuration parameters for structured regular volumes. The size of the volume is inferred from the size of the 3D array data, as is the type of the voxel values (currently supported are: OSP...
The students begin panicking while the now diapered heroes sit on the ground, helpless. Royal Pain's minions trap the students in the Gym and we see more of them become infants. Principal Powers calls out for help but she is hit and her screams become an infant's cry. Coach Boomer ...
Article16 December 2020 Introduction Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) encode the visual world in over 30 parallel functional pathways1and send this information via axons along the optic nerve to multiple and distributed areas in the vertebrate brain (Fig.1a)2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. A major retinoreci...
Background image should not stretch in exported Html with settings "ImageLayout.None".(DOCXLS-3535) ClassCastException occurs when process template.(DOCXLS-3539) Add a picture to the sheet, and the text will not display completely in the exported Pdf.(DOCXLS-3541) After opening an Excel fil...
the tetragonal phase is barely detected in the powder from the crushed/ground pellet (considered representative of the overall properties), confirming that the coexistence of tetragonal and cubic phase LLZO was limited to near the surface. It has been previously reported that a significant amount of...
contact elements in the FE library were used to create other connections outside the design domain. The FE model was attached to the ground, and structural loads were placed on the tip of the spindle. Above Fig.6b shows a simplified version of the three-axis machine tool used to construct...