这篇论文来自于CMU的Eric P. Xing团队,探讨了图像的频谱与卷积神经网络(CNN)泛化行为之间的关系。研究表明,CNN 能够捕捉图像中的高频成分(High-frequency Component, HPC),而HPC通常对人类来说几乎不可见…
High-frequency sounds have a short wavelength, and are easily absorbed. Low-frequency sounds have a long wavelength, and are more difficult to block.
The processes of vaporphase transfer and fractional crystallization may be important in producing local variations in the ratio A/CNK.doi:10.1016/S0022-3476(81)80628-2M. SilvermanMosby, Inc.Journal of Pediatrics
We analyze ways of incorporating low frequency information into models for the prediction of high frequency variables. In doing so, we consider the two existing versions of the mixed frequency VAR, with a focus on the forecasts for the high frequency variables. Furthermore, we introduce new model...
Recording neuronal activity using multiple electrodes has been widely used to understand the functional mechanisms of the brain. Increasing the number of electrodes allows us to decode more variety of functionalities. However, handling massive amounts of
Full size image The complex-valued speckle fields E(λ1) and E(λ2) can be recorded in many different ways. Common procedures include phase-shifting of the reference beam with respect to the object beam, or spatial heterodyning49,50. In this work, we exploit frequency heterodyning paired wit...
Our grayscale module then enhances the visibility of the textures in the high frequency layers, and removes the presence of glow and fog in the low frequency layers. Having processed the high/low frequency information, it fuses the two layers to obtain a grayscale defogged image. Our second ...
For high-frequency trading, participants need the following infrastructure in place: High-speed computers, which need regular and costly hardware upgrades; Co-location. That is, a typically high-cost facility that places your trading computers as close as possible to the exchange servers, to further...
.dwLowDateTime = filetime_ref_as_ul.LowPart; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { reference_point ref_point; LARGE_INTEGER frequency; FILETIME file_time; SYSTEMTIME system_time; ::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); simplistic_synchronize(ref_point); while (true) { get_time(frequency,...
Steady-States Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) refer to the sustained rhythmic activity observed in surface electroencephalography (EEG) in response to the presentation of repetitive visual stimuli (RVS). Due to their robustness and rapid onset, SSVEP