Jiang, George J, Ingrid Lo, and Giorgio Valente, "High Frequency Trading in the US Treasury Market: Evidence Around Macroeconomic News Announcement," Working Paper, 2013.Jiang, G.J., Lo, I., Valente, G., 2012. High Frequency Trading in the US Treasury Market: Evidence Around Macroeconomic...
“高频交易”(High Frequency Trading)是近年来美国财经媒体中频繁出现的热门词汇之一。尽管在中国,这一概念对普通投资者而言仍相对陌生,但业内人士早已对其进行了深入研究和广泛讨论。根据国际通行的定义,高频…
High Frequency Trading ( HFT )高频交易饱受舆论诟病,主要是因为包括很多专家在内的行业人士将损失和市场操纵归咎于高频交易模式,而不是操作风险管理缺陷和违规交易,甚至将市场不公平也归咎于它,而不考虑大机构行为和监管漏洞。 人们时常从媒体上了解到因为“胖手指”(Fat Finger),或者因为某个机构的订单程序进入了死...
High-frequency trading (HFT) is a much-discussed trading technology allowing securities transactions to be executed via independently acting, extremely fast and powerful computers. This technology was developed in the course of the advancing technological evolution of the financial markets and already cons...
High Frequency Trading ( HFT )高频交易饱受舆论诟病,主要是因为包括很多专家在内的行业人士将损失和市场操纵归咎于高频交易模式,而不是操作风险管理缺陷和违规交易,甚至将市场不公平也归咎于它,而不考虑大机构行为和监管漏洞。 人们时常从媒体上了解到因为“胖手指”(Fat Finger),或者因为某个机构的订单程序进入了死...
High Frequency Trading World Europe (HFT 2010) (9562), organized by Terrapinn. Find event details | Conference Locate (Clocate)
高频交易(High FrequencyTrading)是指从那些人们无法利用的极为短暂的市场变化中寻求获利的计算机化交易,比如,某种证券买入价和卖出价差价的微小变化,或者某只股票在不同交易所之间的微小价差。
High-frequency trading (HFT)is an automated trading platform that large investment banks, hedge funds, andinstitutional investorsemploy. It uses powerful computers to transact a large number of orders at extremely high speeds. These high-frequency trading platforms allow traders to execute millions of...
High-frequency trading (HFT) uses powerful computer programs to transact a large number of orders in fractions of a second.