3) Low-frequency hearing loss 低频听力损失 例句>> 4) Hearing loss 听力损失 1. Relationship between GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene polymorphisms and noise induced hearing loss in Chinese workers; 谷胱甘肽硫转移酶M1和T1基因多态性与噪声性听力损失易感性的关系研究 2. Effect of hearing loss on voice ...
The high frequency thresholds significantly increased in patients on hemodialysis, and were significantly correlated with age, stage of CKD and duration of CKD. Conclusion This study highlights the presence of high frequency (8–18kHz) hearing loss in patients of CKD. The severity is significantly ...
HIGH FREQUENCY HEARING LOSS IN SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN Journal of International Advanced OtologyPiotrowska, AnnaTarczynski, KrzysztofLudwikowski, MaciejSkarzynski, Piotr H.Skarzynski, Henryk
5) High frequency hearing loss 高频听力损失 例句>> 6) High frequency audiometry 高频听力测试补充资料:甚高频和超高频多普勒雷达 工作在30~3000兆赫频段的气象多普勒雷达。一般具有很高的探测灵敏度。因探测高度范围可达1~100公里,所以又称为中层-平流层-对流层雷达 (MST radar)。它主要用于探测晴空大气的...
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Exposure to loud noise, bilateral high-frequency hearing loss and coronary heart diseaseObjectivesBilateral high-frequency hearing loss is an indicator for chronic exposure to loud noise. This study aimed to examine the association between bilateral high-frequency hearing loss and the presence of ...
In our study, based on DPOAE and audiological findings, there was damage to the outer hair cells of the cochlea, resulting in high‐frequency hearing loss in patients with psoriasis.D. VirDepartment of Otolaryngology and HNS Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) ...
Frequency Lowering: A Unique Approach to High-Frequency Hearing LossAndrea HannanDawkes
Hearing loss usually slopes towards the high-frequency regions of hearing in the elderly population. We assessed thespeech perception performance in an elderly patient with high-frequency sloping hearing loss under different aided conditions as a function of speech stimuli and listening conditions. The ...
This study investigated whether there are limitations on the benefit of providing audible speech information to listeners with high-frequency hearing loss. In a group of 10 listeners with various degrees of high-frequency hearing loss, speech recognition was tested across a wide range of presentation...