该模组对任何 FPS 都很有用。 通过编辑HighFPSPhysicsFix.ini文件来自定义mod,该文件位于游戏文件夹Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins或mod文件夹中:true - 启用,false - 禁用。您也可以创建自己的设置文件“HighFPSPhysicsFix_custom.ini”并仅输入您更改的设置。
萌新求助 high ..玩了几天,游戏时间24小时,过场加载感觉得有5小时实在受不了了。。下载了最新版的high fps physic fix,解压到游戏目录下,设置了无边框窗口模式,感觉完全没生效。是否还要调整其他设置呢?
问下高帧率修复mod..名字是High FPS Physics Fix,我打了这个mod后就不能切出游戏再切回来了,有时游玩过程中会去看下wiki或者n网获取点信息,结果一看切回来只剩黑屏了,但在任务管理器中FO4并不是“未
大哥们 High F..High FPS Physics Fix 下载下来不会安装 直接用MO2安装没反应,应该怎么改文件, 求大哥告诉小弟一声,
This mod fixes this issue at any FPS.Also, you don’t have to remove the mod if you plan to play at 60 FPS or lower.SAO Modding Discord1. Open SAOFB/Content/Paks folder.2. Delete _P from each pak & sig file. (except from mods, if any)3. Install this mod.4. Unzip pak, sig...
If you find no luck getting closer to the real solution, you should take a stab at Fix 4. Fix 4: Update your device drivers As reported by many players, their ping times in LOL have gone back to normal after they updated the device drivers. If you’re not sure whether all your devi...
Fix It Now It’s common to encounter high ping or lags in games, especially when running modern games on a low-end computer. What can you do if your game is lagging with high FPS? In this post fromMiniTool, we will delve into how to cope with game stuttering with high FPS in detail...
Fix 5 End unnecessary tasks Running too many programs and processes absolutely lowers your system response time. When your GPU and CPU need more time to handle the data transition, it’s usual for game stuttering to occur, even with high FPS. And these tasks add burdens to your CPU usage....
Selectperformancefrom the menu and the FPS option toactivate the frame rate counterin Crossfire. How do I fix high-ping problems in Crossfire? 1. Use Ethernet instead of WiFi Slow internet connections mostly cause high ping, and it is well known that internet connection on WiFi sometimes lags...
Enable “FPS Boost” within ExitLag. Fine-tune ExitLag’s settings to optimize your connection. Upcoming Server Merge in Summer 2024 This summer, Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG plan tomerge the NA West, NA East, and South America servers into a single, unified region. ...