经鼻导管高流量湿化氧疗(high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy, HFNC)2014年在中国内地开始应用,短短几年内在临床上得到快速普及推广,其临床疗效得到临床医生的广泛认可,国际著名杂志近些年来也相继发表了多篇大样本前瞻性临床研究,证...
官方标题 High Flow Oxygen Therapy in Patients With or at Risk of Respiratory Failure Undergoing Felxible Bronchoscopy Under Sedation: a Pilot Study 时间视角 (Time Perspective) 盲法(masking) None (Open Label) 试验开始日期 2024-09-01 主要试验完成日期 2025-09-30 试验完成日期 2025-12-30 ...
High-flow oxygen therapyK.H., RühleU., DomanskiG., Nilius
High-flow oxygen therapy (HFOT) is a noninvasive O2 support method providing humidification, warmed air, and Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (AIRVO2). No data about HFOT use to prevent early complications after laryngo-tracheal surgery are reported in the literature. Methods: Bet...
This randomized clinical trial compares the efficacy of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen vs standard oxygen therapy in reducing the rate of mortality at day
High‐flow oxygen therapy: Conclusion after adventures in the jungle of abbreviationsHigh‐flow oxygen therapy: Conclusion after adventures in the jungle of abbreviationsPaula HeikkilTampere University and University Hospital,Tampere,FinlandMatti KorppiTampere...
Low flow oxygen therapy High flow oxygen therapy Noninvasive ventilation Invasive mechanical ventilation Invasive mechanical ventilation and ECMO Nasal cannula or non-rebreathing mask, 21-100% O2, FiO2 a function of inspiratory flow rate⁶ Timely transition of therapies is important - whether...
To determine whether the use of nasal high flow conditioned oxygen therapy (HFO), immediately after planned extubation reduces reintubation rate in a nonselected population of critically ill patients. METHODS. Single center, 1:1 case-control study. Prospectively recorded cases were compared with ...
Nasal high-flow oxygen therapy in patients with hypoxic respiratory failure: effect on functional and subjective respiratory parameters compared to conventional oxygen therapy and non-invasive ventilation(NIV) [J]. BMC Anesthesiol, 2014, 14:66. [9] Xia J, Zhang Y, Ni L, et al. High-flow ...
1.High-flow nasal cannula versus conventional oxygen therapy in patients with dyspnea and hypoxemia before hospitalization and spring 机译:在住院前,高流量的鼻腔套管与患有呼吸困难和低氧血症患者的常规氧疗法 Liu Qi ,Zhu Changju ,Lan Chao - Expert review of respiratory medicine - 2020 2.High-fl...