小讲课 | 经鼻高流量湿化氧疗(High-flow Nasal Cannula) 指一种通过高流量鼻塞持续为患者提供可以调控并相对恒定吸氧浓度(21%~100%)、 温度(31~37 ℃)和湿度的高流量(8~80 L/min)吸入气体的治疗方式。 该治疗设备主要包括空氧混合装置...
经鼻导管高流量湿化氧疗(high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy, HFNC)2014年在中国内地开始应用,短短几年内在临床上得到快速普及推广,其临床疗效得到临床医生的广泛认可,国际著名杂志近些年来也相继发表了多篇大样本前瞻性临床研究,证...
英华融泰医疗科技股份有限公司是一家High Flow Nasal Cannula生产厂家,提供High Flow Nasal Cannula供应商价格、High Flow Nasal Cannula哪家好,产品主要销往内蒙古、包头等地。
High flow nasal cannula (HFNC)is used to give oxygen at a high rate. The oxygen is delivered through small prongs that sit in the nostrils. The high flow rate makes breathing easier. The lungs do not have to work as hard to get air in and out. It also helps clear carbon dioxide ...
High-flow nasal cannula market is expected to reach US$ 24 Billion by 2033-end. North America accounts for over 50% share of the total market value.
经鼻高流量氧疗(humidified high-flow nasal cannula,HFNC)由空氧混合器装置、主动加温装置、加热导丝单回路管路、鼻导管组成。HFNC可提供恒定的氧浓度以及最高可达60~80 L/min的流量,其输送的气体经过加温加湿,可达到37℃、100%的相对湿度。因此与传统氧疗比较,HFNC克服了湿化不足和氧浓度不稳定等局限,具有更...
The invention relates to a high-flow nasal cannula allowing an increased supply of oxygen flow compared to nasal cannulas that already exist on the market. To this end, the nasal cannula has a connection to an oxygen supply source from which a conduit extends, said conduit branching into two...
High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy is an oxygen supply system capable of delivering up to 100% humidified and heated oxygen at a flow rate of up to 60 liters per minute and eventually higher .1 HFNC oxygen therapy is used as an oxygenation method during procedures in various clinical ...
The nasal cannula plays an important role in the gas transmission of high-flow oxygen therapy through the nose , it can directly deliver a certain concentration of air and oxygen high flow gas to the patient through the nasal oxygen tube without sealing, and the gas temperature and humidity al...
Sunton Buy High Flow Nasal Cannula China Nasal Cannula Adult Manufacturing EOS Disinfecting Type S/M/L/XL Size Curaplex Nasal Cannula For Oxygen Concentrator FAQ 1. who are we? We are based...