high′-five′ n.,v.-fived, -fiv•ing.n. 1.a gesture of greeting, good-fellowship, or triumph in which one person slaps the upraised palm of the hand against that of another. v.t. 2.to greet with a high-five:The two players high-fived each other. ...
The meaning of HIGH FIVE is a slapping of an upraised hand by two people (as in celebration). How to use high five in a sentence.
所以把西语的环节先放弃了,将西班牙语用英语代替。 关于音频,即使是没有点读笔,也可以到Highlights的官网上去听,网址是https://www2.highlights.com/high-five-audio,但是音频比杂志出的慢,到现在已经是12月了,音频只出到了10月份。 5. Plane View, 难度*** 这个故事的难度跟前面那篇相似,主角是一个小男孩...
这一期High Five封面上是一只可爱的三角龙笨拙地走上校车,眼神中充满了期待(这不就是粑粑麻麻想要的理想场景吗?)。虽然现实中熊孩子们的心还沉浸在暑假,眼神中充满哀怨,但是我确信小C在看到这本恐龙High Five的时候眼神中的闪烁着和三角龙一样的“光”! “Do You see the green dinosaur wearing glasses?”我...
The ceremony ended up with the students’ passing the adult gate, and giving a high five to their school leaders. The ceremony will be an experience I will never forget.(113 words) 中文翻译大家下午好!我们的外教Lucy老师返回美国。今天,我们在这里为她举行欢送会。一次难忘的高中活动作为即将毕业的...
Finally, all five sine tones were combined to create a complex tone. For the spectral characteristics of the speech and non-speech stimuli, see also Fig. 1B. Procedure The stimuli were presented in two separate, speech and non-speech, passive oddball conditions; the non-speech condition was ...
Here are some free short stories to read online. These very short stories are perfect for high school or middle school students or anyone who loves reading.
Open AccessArticle by Juan Pablo Gutierrez Pineda 1,*and Daniel Perez Liston 2 1 Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business and Public Administration, California State University, Bakersfield, CA 93311, USA 2 Economics, Finance, and Decision Information Systems, University of Saint Thom...
‘blank’ token associated with the connectionist temporal classification training procedure). The RNN is a five-layer, gated recurrent-unit architecture trained using TensorFlow 2. Finally, phoneme probabilities are combined with a large-vocabulary language model (a custom, 125,000-word trigram ...
“shisiwu xianyu putong gaozhong fazhan tisheng xingdong jihua” de tongzhi (Notice of the Ministry of Education and other eight departments on launching the action plan for the development and improvement of preschool education and county high school during the period of the 14th Five-Year ...