High Energy Density Physics 较慢,6-12周审稿时间 3区中科院分区 Q3JCR分区 1.6影响因子 ISSN:1574-1818 E-ISSN:1878-0563 国际简称:HIGH ENERG DENS PHYS 出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS 研究方向:PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS 是否预警:否 创刊时间:2005
High Energy Density Physics中科院分区 中科院分区2023年12月升级版 大类学科 分区 小类学科 分区 Top期刊 综述期刊 物理与天体物理 3区 PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS 物理:流体与等离子体 4区 否 否 中科院分区2022年12月升级版 大类学科 分区 小类学科 分区 Top期刊 综述期刊 物理与天体物理 4区 PHYSICS, FLUIDS...
学科与分区:PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS - SCIE(Q3)出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS出版周期:出版年份:0年文章数:14是否OA开放访问:NoGold OA文章占比:6.36%官方网站:www.journals.elsevier.com/high-energy-density-physics/投稿网址:www.editorialmanager.com/HEDP...
High Energy Density Physicsis an international journal covering original experimental and related theoretical work studying thephysicsofmatterandradiationunder extreme conditions. 'High energy density' is understood to be an energy density exceeding about 1011 J/m3. Theeditorsand the … ...
High Energy Density Physics 期刊简称 Print ISSN 1574-1818 Online ISSN 1878-0563 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 否 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI) 注:SCI已经完全被SCIE取代,参考:SCI被取代
《高能密度物理》(High Energy Density Physics)是一本以PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Elsevier出版商创刊于2005年,刊期4 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域...
《【预订】Extreme States of Matter: High Energy Density Physics 9783319792637》,作者:【预订】Extreme States of Matter: High Energy Density Physics 9783319792637暂无作者信息 著,出版社:Springer,ISBN:9783319792637。Product Details 基本信息ISBN-13 书号9
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High Energy Density Physics is an international journal covering original experimental and related theoretical work studying the physics of matter and radiation under extreme conditions. 'High energy density' is understood to be an energy density exceeding about 1011 J/m3. The editors and the … View...
High-energy-density physics is the field of physics concerned with studying matter at extremely high temperatures and densities. Such conditions produce highly nonlinear plasmas, in which several phenomena that can normally be treated independently of one another become strongly coupled. The study of th...