In theDisktab,checkall the instances ofSearchProtocolHost.exe. In theDisk Activity Window,you can observe what processes and how many resources are being used by the indexing service. Open theControl Panelby hitting the WINKEY + X combinations and clicking on Control Panel or search for it in...
ComPtr<ID3D11Device> direct3dDevice; That’s the interface pointer for the device, and the D3D11CreateDevice function may be used to create the device:C# Copy HR(D3D11CreateDevice(nullptr, // Adapter D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, nullptr, // Module D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, nullpt...
The new logging capabilities of System.Net are very powerful and can be extremely useful in debugging your sockets application. The only thing to be wary of when using this debugging facility is the sheer quantity of data it can potentially generate. It can quickly fill a disk with debugging ...
We can track the macOS utility of CPU usage on the Activity Monitor. This feature monitors the macOS usage of memory, disk, CPU, network, and energy. How to Launch the Activity Monitor: Step 1.Open the "Applications" and Navigate to the "Utilities" section. Step 2.Launch the "Activity ...
/dev/disk/by-uuid/<UUID> /hana xfs defaults,nofail 0 2 Create the target directory and mount the disk: Bash sudomkdir/hana sudo mount -a [A]Set up host name resolution for all hosts. You can either use a DNS server or modify the/etc/hostsfile on all nodes. This example shows you...
Logman.exe create counter Perfsystem-5sec -f bin -max 500 -c “\LogicalDisk(*)\” “\Memory\” “\Network Interface(*)\” “\Paging File(*)\” “\PhysicalDisk(*)\” “\Server\” “\System\” “\Process(*)\” “\Processor(*)\” “\Cache\” “\NTDS\” “\DirectoryServices(*)...
In addition to saving a lot of disk space, this can also be useful when your data is stored on a NAS. Here's a comparison of the same set of data accessed over a 1 Gb/s network connection, first using the uncompressed raw data: find /mnt/ASI1600 -name '*.fit' -print0 | xargs...
Use disk activity for locate : No POST delay : 90 seconds BIOS Error Handling : Pause on Errors Current Boot Mode :Normal Capabilities === RAID Level Supported : RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID00, RAID10, RAID50, RAID60, PRL 11, PRL 11 with spanning, SRL...
pznamenskii commented Jan 11, 2021 I might have found the cause: ERROR (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Error executing query: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed removed config/home-assistant_v2.db and CPU+memory usage is way better now. I will monitor ...
Traditional measures of intracellular antimicrobial activity and eukaryotic cell cytotoxicity rely on endpoint assays. Such endpoint assays require several additional experimental steps prior to readout, such as cell lysis, colony forming unit determination, or reagent addition. When performing thousands of ...