High-Dimensional Statistics A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint ( 2019, Cambridge University Press) 格式:PDF 页数:571 上传日期:2019-03-11 10:21:09 浏览次数:835 下载积分:1995 加入阅读清单 94% 还剩570 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 电子书屋 分享于 2019-03-11...
High-dimensional statistics: A non-asymptotic viewpoint (Vol. 48). Cambridge University Press. 相关内容: Vershynin High-Dimensional Probability [Notes+Solutions] Jiri and Wessel's blog on HDS [大部分问题的解答使用的是类似的方法,对于其中一些问题的解答,这里使用的方法可能更简单直接,读者可以自行...
Statistics for High-Dimensional Data 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Modern statistics deals with large and complex data sets, and consequently with models containing a large number of parameters. This book presents a detailed account of recently developed approaches, including the Lasso and ...
豆瓣: High-Dimensional Statistics 中文版: 高维统计学 目标人群: 追求优雅理论的机器学习相关从业者 推荐理由: 应该算是ML理论相关的类别,但跟PAC的那种不同,更偏实际一点。相对于其他ML理论的书来说,我更喜欢这本的讨论路线。 不含DL相关。 难度很高,但把能看懂的部分看完应该也很有收获。
Her main areas of research are empirical process theory, statistical learning theory, and nonparametric and high-dimensional statistics. She is an associate editor of Probability Theory and Related Fields, The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics and Statistical Surveys and a member of the Swiss National...
Inthisnote,weaimtogiveaverybriefintroductiontohigh-dimensionalstatistics.Rather thanattemptingtogiveanoverviewofthisvastarea,wewillexplainwhatismeantbyhigh- dimensionaldataandthenfocusontwomethodswhichhavebeenintroducedtodealwith thissortofdata.Manyofthestateofthearttechniquesusedinhigh-dimensionalstatistics ...
非参数高维模型:稀疏性、效率、可解释性 Nonparametric High-dimensional Models - Sparsity, Efficiency, Interpretability 热度: Analysis of Multivariate and High-Dimensional Data:多元的、高维的数据分析 热度: 相关推荐 Statistics for high-dimensional data: Introduction, and the Lasso for linear models Pe...
【中商原版】高维统计:非渐近视角 英文原版 High-Dimensional Statistics 统计和概率数学 剑桥大学出版社 Martin J. Wainwright,
Such massive data sets present a number of challenges to researchers in statistics and machine learning. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the area of high-dimensional statistics, aimed at the first-year graduate level. It includes chapters that are focused on core methodology and...
High-Dimensional Statistics: Non-Parametric Generalized Functional Partially Linear Single-Index Model. Mathematics. 2022; 10(15):2704. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10152704 Chicago/Turabian Style Alahiane, Mohamed, Idir Ouassou, Mustapha Rachdi, and Philippe Vieu. 2022. "High-Dimensional Statistics...