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Because of a global nursing shortage and a higher demand for nursing services, healthcare organizations face staffing dilemmas reaching crisis levels in certain places.Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing, a great resource that offers a job board, reports that "countries around...
Godinez, Victor
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B.In the long run, the advantages of advanced medical technology are pkely to be outweighed by the disadvantages.C.The total amount spent on cataract surgery has increased because the increased number of people electing to have the surgery more than offsets the decrease in cost per operation....
said, “Nursing is in high demand everywhere.”“Foreign nurses use Singapore as a jumping board for better jobs in countries like Canada, since there is little chance of their getting permanent residency in Singapore. There’s no future for them here,” the administrator was...
That's what a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of Kansas recently set out to investigate. To start, they narrowed in on expecting mothers in two careers that demand long hours: medicine and law. But physicians—surgeons, in particular—spend many of those hour...
often lies in factors beyond the paycheck. In navigating their career paths, individuals might benefit from considering these broader aspects, particularly when contemplating high-paying jobs that have lost their allure. High pay can often be correlated to high-demand jobs with a low supply of ...
Physical exercise is a cornerstone for preventing diet-induced obesity, while it is unclear whether physical exercise could offset high-fat, high-calories diet (HFCD)-induced cardiac dysfunction. Here, mice were fed with HFCD and simultaneously subjected