you know you are going to spend money on doctor visits or meds this year so you should have a high deductible plan, cheaper, pay the rest yourself because you get less for what you pay through insurance Look up what the few practices that can survive on a cash only basis charge. Its ...
When my son was born, I decided tosell one of my main rental propertiesbecause I wanted to focus on fatherhood. It was difficult to lose the annualsix figures in rent. But selling the investment property was the best thing I could have done for my mental health. 6) If you expect a r...
In view of these deductible increases, the most likely explanation for relatively stable aggregate OOPs shown in Fig. 2 is that OOP growth resulting mainly from deductible increases has been compensated (in the aggregate) by lower utilization. A second reason is that the expansion of Medicaid ...
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Unique Healthcare: Cost-Effective Plan for Self-Funded Employers. No Deductible, No Copay. *As of July 1, 2019 all Explanation of Benefits (EOB’s) regarding services and procedures rendered will be available electronically via e-mail provided during enrollment. If no e-mail was provided, ple...