High resolution atom interferometry with optical resonatorsdoi:10.1117/12.2296221I. RiouG. LefèvreS. PelissonA. BertoldiB. CanuelP. BouyerN. MielecL. AmandR. GeigerA. LandraginInternational Society for Optics and PhotonicsSociety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series...
Using atom interferometry, we have measured g, the local acceleration due to gravity, with a resolution of /Delta g/g = 2 × 10after a single 1.3s measurement cycle, 2 × 10after 1 minute and 1 × 10after 2 days of integration time. The difference between our value for g and one ...
Pascale Senellart, Glenn Solomon& Andrew White Nature Nanotechnology12,1026–1039 (2017)Cite this article 37kAccesses 851Citations 17Altmetric Metrics Abstract Single photons are a fundamental element of most quantum optical technologies. The ideal single-photon source is an on-demand, deterministic, ...
An ensemble of atoms can operate as a quantum sensor by placing atoms in a superposition of two different states. Upon measurement of the sensor, each atom is individually projected into one of the two states. Creating quantum correlations between the at
The quadratic scaling stems from constructive interference of the electric field of the high harmonics generated in each atom or molecule. More recently, driven by the development of long wavelengths laser sources, high-harmonic generation has been observed in solid-state samples [5], which lead ...
The Bohr atom thus seems a reasonable analogy, and microsphere resonances are often called "pho- tonic atom modes" [154, 155]. For the Bohr as well as the photonic atom, wave functions are indexed by three quantum numbers n,l,m, where n represents the number of nodes in radial ...
The roughening magnitudes of the heat exposed monoblock surface obtained from the interferometry measurements are plotted in fig. 4. The investigated area in the reference state, i.e. the initial state (bottom surface of the monoblock) is shown in fig. 4a, whereas the corresponding topography map...
The thickness of the thin cells has been mapped by Fabry-Perot interferometry with an uncertainty of a few nm using three different lasers: a He-Ne at 633 nm, a diode laser at 852 nm, and the extended cavity laser emitting from 1519 nm to 1540 nm10. The three beams are alig...
Sub-cycle phase-resolved attosecond interferometry is developed. The obtained phase information enables us to decouple the multiple quantum paths induced in a light-driven system, isolating their coherent contribution and retrieving their temporal evolution. ...
OCT imaging, such as ultrasound B-mode imaging, is a technique involving the detection of the echo time delay of backscattered light. Contrary to IOSI, where photons are directly measured, OCT relies on low-coherence interferometry. In this way, the back-scattering properties of different cortica...