ObjectivesThe use of point-of-care (POC) methods and the measurements of C-reactive protein (CRP) as a diagnostic marker have both increased over the past years. This has led to an increase in POC-methods analysing CRP. High CRP levels are often seen as an indication for the subscription...
Standard hsCRP assays suffice in settings of active infection, tissue injury, or acute inflammation, which are known to cause marked elevations. However, in the chronic setting, the variability of standard hsCRP assays remains about as consistent as systolic blood pressure (SBP) and total cholester...
hsCRP: High-sensitivity C-reactive protein ICU: Intensive care unit MAP: Mean arterial pressure NT-proBNP: N-Terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide OHCA: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest PAC: Pulmonary artery catheter PAPm: Mean pulmonary arterial pressure PCAS: Post-cardiac arrest syndro...
Polar metabolites were extracted from serum samples as described in our recent publication (Nizioł, Ossoliński, et al. 2021). In brief, deep frozen blood plasma samples (300 µL) were thawed on ice to 4 °C before use. Samples were then centrifuged at 12,000×gfor 5 min also at ...
Firstly, we assessed the overall progress of the complement pathways by validation of MCP-1, C1s, C3 and CRP (Fig. 4c,d). The overall direction of the inflammatory response was assessed to be towards a subdued inflammatory signaling response with major hints of anti-inflammatory processes, part...
Whole blood can be used interchangeably with plasma for a more convenient and less time- and labor-consuming testing of hs-cTnI on the PATHFAST analyzer [188]. These recent data [185], [186], [187], [188] indicate that some POCT methods for the assay of hs-cTnI are now available, ...
Complete blood count CONSORT: Consolidated standards of reporting trials COVID-19: Coronavirus disease of 2019 CRP: C-reactive protein ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate FAIS: Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome HA: Hyaluronic acid Hb: Hemoglobin IA: Intra articular KL: Kellgren and Lawr...
[23] reported elevated CRP on admission was a predictor of 1-year mortality in patients with surgically treated hip frac- ture. On the other hand, peripheral blood lymphocytes could be used to assess immune–nutrition status of patients. Wilson [24] reported 62.6% of patients with hip ...
(Supplementary Fig.4), whereas the other parameters such as the red blood cell count (RBC), C-reactive protein concentration (CRP), fibrinogen level (Fbg), creatinine concentration (Cre), and body temperature were weakly correlated or uncorrelated with it (Supplementary Fig.5). Additionally, it...
Elevated levels of circulating high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) have been observed in depression, with the body mass index (BMI) being a major mediator of this association. However, the sex difference in the association between hs-CRP and dep