2A, for non-DHMM, age, ECOG PS, hemoglobin, albumin, creatinine, β2-MG, LDH, percentage of bone marrow plasma cells, ISS, R-ISS and the initial treatment regimen (PI + IMiD) had a significant effect on survival. For DHMM, only high LDH had a significant effect on survival (P...
Select laboratory abnormalities that worsened from baseline in more than 15% of patients who received nadofaragene firadenovec were increased glucose (all grade, 38%; grade 3 or 4, 6%), increased triglycerides (30%; 1.9%), increased creatinine (17%; 0%), decreased phosphate ...
72.7±9.7 Hyperlipidemia 197 (38.5) Creatinine (mg dl À1) 0.92±0.27 Potassium (mmol l À1) 4.3±0.4 Total cholesterol (mg dl À1) 190.6±33.3 HDL cholesterol (mg dl À1) 53.9±15.0 Fasting plasma glucose 120.4±46.8 (mg dl À1) Casual plasma glucose (mg dl À1) 156.5±57.8...
(75.2%; 53.5%), lymphopenia (86.1%; 37.6%), thrombocytopenia (55.4%; 11.9%), aspartate aminotransferase increase (52.5%; 6.9%), alanine aminotransferase increase (63.4%; 7.9%), total bilirubin increase (21.8%; 1.0%), creatinine increase (89.1%; 1.0%), and cre...
The most common (>10%) adverse reactions, including laboratory abnormalities (>15%), were glucose increased (38%), instillation site discharge (33%), triglycerides increased (30%), fatigue (24%), bladder spasm (20%), micturition (urination urgency) (19%...
a,b, Peak levels of CAR T cells reached in the blood (a) and AUC0–28(b).c, Peak CAR T-cell levels by tumor burden quartile, as determined by SPD of target lesions. For all box plots, the center line denotes the median, box limits the upper and lower quartiles and whiskers 1.5...
Compared with the nonrechallenged subgroup, before receiving MTX that required glucarpidase rescue, the rechallenged patients had lower median pretreatment serum creatinine (Scr; 0.7v1.2 mg/dL), and none had AKI with previous MTX doses, n = 0 (0%) versus n = 2 (50%). During the MTX ...
(p>0.05). Presenting symptoms of hyperkalemic patients can be seen in Fig.1. Oxygen saturation below 94% was observed among 31.3% of hyperkalemic patients at the time of presentation. Most of the hyperkalemic patients had high levels of creatinine (94%) and BUN (91%), and approximately...
Table 2:TCN2 genotype effects on abnormal levels of HCY, MMA, creatinine and B12 at the study start among those who developed dementia. Note that a cluster of four factors: raised homocysteine, raised methylmalonic acid, high creatinine, plus TCN2 766G homozygosity occurs at the study start ...
Because serum creatinine is used to estimate eGFRcrea, associated genetic loci may be relevant to creatinine production or metabolism rather than kidney function per se. For this reason, we contrasted associations of eGFRcrea versus eGFRcys, the latter estimated from an alternative and creatinine-...