Focuses on the High Court ruling on the advance directives by mentally competent patients for future treatment in Great Britain. Reference on the case of psychotic patient in Broadmoor Hospital; Implication of the ruling for AIDS disease victims; Competency of schizophrenic patient to refuse for ...
THE CONCEPT OF DISCRIMINATION AND OTHER CONCEPTS RELATED TO IT IN THE ALBANIAN LEGISLATION - COMPARATIVE OVERVIEW WITH THE EU DIRECTIVES IN THE ANTI-DISCRI... The Albanian legislation offers a general protection of the human rights and especially of the principle of equality and non-discrimination....
The previous draft (and rather daft) versions of e-commerce regulations have not been a self regulatory framework, but more like directives for e-commerce companies. These are supposed to be a set of principles that guide self-regulation in e-commerce, by e-commerce entities. Even then, it...
Billiet (Belgium), “[i]f, in my court of law, I were hearing a case in which proof of the offences, in terms of facts, imputation, or both, rests on satellite images, I would first of all want to be able to understand the satellite technology that has been used to make the ...
New CPS policy: Heed court directivesJOSH BRODESKY
Law And Order The Supreme Court has issued directives for sweeping reforms in the police force. But the state governments, in fear of losing control over their fiefdom, are not very keen on implementation.Amarnath K. Menon
Court Confirms Advance Effects of the New Procurement DirectivesStalzer, Johannes
Boga, Dilnaz