high context and low context culture 案例high context and low context culture案例 案例1:高语境文化(High Context Culture) 日本是一个典型的高语境文化的例子。在日本社会中,人们通常采用间接的方式来表达自己的意思。他们并不直接明确地说出自己的需求或意见,而是借助于上下文、非语言表达和隐含的信息来传达意图...
High Context Culture Definition Edward T. Hall, the anthropologist who introduced these concepts, defined high-context culture as one in which: “much of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part...
Japan and China are some of the best examples of high-context cultures, in addition to Brazil, Argentina, Spain, and many nations throughout Africa and the Middle East. In comparison, the United States is perhaps the best example of a diverse and low-context culture. It is important to no...
What is High Context Culture? A high context culture is one where most of the communication is done indirectly and more dependence is on non-verbal communication and gestures. In a high context culture, relationships are built slowly which are generally long term and stable and are dependent on...
high-context culture(高情境文化)是由爱德华·T·霍尔提出的,特点为重视情景、信息传递依赖非言语因素、注重社会信任和关系维持、沟通含蓄,在东方文化中较为明显,影响个体和社会行为,可能导致跨文化沟通障碍。 'high-context culture'的基本概念 'High-context culture'(高情境文化)是...
high context culture theory -回复 高上下文文化理论(High Context Culture Theory)是指一种文化传播模式,主要关注情境和非言语要素的重要性。这种文化模式强调背景、态度和非语言线索对信息传递的重要性,具有广泛的应用领域,从商务交流到国际外交,都能看到它的影响。 高上下文文化理论最早由美国学者爱德华·霍尔(Edward...
In contrast, low-context cultures rely on explicit verbal communication. High-context cultures are collectivist, value interpersonal relationships, and have members that form stable, close relationships. Japan is a country with a high-context culture. High-context cultures promote the development of in...
4. High context culture(高语境文化):Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people are labeled high context.(在高语境文化中,在人们交际时,有较多的信息量或者蕴涵在社会文化环境和情景中,或者内化于交际者的...