High-conflict situations arise everywhere – not just at work. Here, HCI offers solutions that anyone can use. Our Clients We’ve trained and consulted with over 1 million professionals all over the globe. Our Team of Experts With backgrounds in law, mediation, neuroscience, business, psycholog...
The reason for choosing the high school female students was due to the vulnerability of the area and the low income level of the families and the social comparison among the female students. Also, in this region, evidence of conflict between female students in the school environment and also a...
The practice of mediation is not an exception. Therefore, a dynamic mediator also endeavours to mitigate 'cultural conflict' in a dispute so that cultural departure does not exacerbate or create another conflict. Adapting Hofstede's theory on 'style of dispute resolution practices in Asian ...
when faced with a difficult challenge or conflict at work, a reactive person might say,‘There is nothing I can do’, and sotakes no actionto try to improve the situation.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author. References Askehave I. 2007 .“ The Impact of Marketization on Higher Education genres — The International Student Prospectus as a Case in Point .” Discourse Studies 9 ( 6 ): 723 – 742 . doi: 10.1177/1461445607082576 . Search...
Consequently, dropouts and at-risk dropouts describe failed struggles to develop a positive identity in school, partly due to the absence of important relationships with peers, parents, and teachers or due to negative relationship experiences such as conflict with teachers or being bullied or ...
The analysis of the mediation effects of these factors is noteworthy for further study. In addition, significant indirect effects might result from measurement error. A structural equation model that determines the latent variables and accounts for measurement error should be conducted to confirm this ...
Melodrama and the Mediation Process The influence of melodrama extends beyond the conflict story itself, shaping the dynamics within the mediation process. These include through the duelling of competing narratives – with each party trying to position themselves in the role of victim and the other ...
1 Manon A. Schonewille is President of the board of ACB Foundation, a conflict management research center and partner in Dispute Resolution and Deal Making training & resource center TOOLKIT Company. Besides training professionals i...
(1) defining the ethical problem; (2) describing the facts of the case; (3) stating the views of the involved parties; (4) discussing the values, laws, and guidelines relevant to the problem; (5) considering the different courses of action; and (6) performing an overall assessment (...