As discussed above, svchosts usually take up a lot of memory on a computer and that might cause a computer to slow down significantly. So in order to make sure that all the svchosts are in check and tofix any high memory or CPU usageby svchost, you may check out the following methods...
Boot your computerback in normal mode. Initially, Windows might take a while when initializing all the configurations to the default state. After that, hopefully, the issue will be solved and there will no longer be any CPU/Memory usage by ‘wsappx’....
You experience higher than expected CPU or memory usage on Azure VMs that were recently deployed on computers that are driven by Intel Skylake processors. According to Intel, this change affects VM performance and overall workload or application execution. The issue is caused by an increase...
Glance at the Task Manager and find that the computer's memory usage is above 95%, and Chrome use too much memory. Why does Chrome take so much memory? How to effectively reduce the memory usage of Chorme?" Google browser kernel as the world's mainstream browser kernel, has a very ...
I've noticed on one of our computers that some Intel RST processes are using a lot of memory, and more worryingly, that the usage is increasing with time. Since this computer is started with only one program running, and none other after this, it feels like there is a memory leak....
While it's loading, Windows Explorer takes a crazy amount of memory (up to around 10GB) and very high CPU usage. Also, every time I right-click a folder and select Properties, it takes forever before the window appears. In this scenario, I've seen COM Surrogate take about 10GB of...
If the Service Host: Windows Event Log process is having a high CPU, Disk, Memory, Power usage on your computer, use these fixes.
Vmmem or the Virtual Memory can cause High CPU or memory usage due to various factors. One of the key reasons behind this issue is some resource-intensive processes running in the virtual host. But, if that isn’t the case and VM is still eating up a lot of your system resources in ...
app, you can immediately see a list of photos and videos you’ve recently saved. To find these new or existing photos and video files and to create shortcuts for them in the Photos app, the process needs to run on high CPU and memory usage in the background when your computer is ...
My Acrobat reader had been updated a few days ago and since then I've been having a high memory usage problem with acrobat. I wasnt able to get a screen shot since I had to restart my computer. But the few times that I could open the program manager I saw a 63% use of memory wh...