Alloyed steel with high carbon content characterized in that its composition complies with the following composition, expressed in percentage weight: carbon from 1.1 to 2.0 %, manganese from 0.5 to 3.5 %, chrome from 1.0 to 4.0 %, silicon from 0.6 to 1.2 %, the remainder being iron with ...
aSteel high carbon content, the hardness does not increase after quenching, but excess amount of carbide increased, but seldom from the plasticity, toughness and elasticity. High carbon steel quenching after cold plastic deformation ability is poor, don\'t impact resistance. Products use easy broken...
高碳系数不锈钢 . 材质:刀–刀身–高碳系数不锈钢(High carbon stainless steel) 握柄–TPE(Thermoplastic Elastomer) 收纳架–上层–TPU(Therm…|基于4个网页 3. 高碳钢 ■材质:刃/高碳钢(HIGH CARBON STAINLESS STEEL)、柄/树脂 ■产地:日本 ( Made in Japan ) ★卖场所标示的运费金额...
high carbon steel [英][hai ˈkɑ:bən sti:l][美][haɪ ˈkɑrbən stil]高碳钢;双语例句 1 Productive practices of reducing quality objection of high carbon steel 减少高碳钢质量异议的攻关实践 2 Effect of ultrasonic power on inclusions in high carbon s...
Hign carbon即是加入高比率carbon 后即急冻,会坚硬无比. 倚天剑及屠龙刀就是这样制成. 兄台如要练刀剑请与我联络. [email protected],carbon-碳, high carbon是什么, 在这里因不知前后文字, 断不能贸然肯定是"高碳" 了. 至于stainless steel, 无疑是"不锈钢"了.,
aThe high carbon content in 1.4970 and observed precipitations of TiC and other impurities, mainly sulfur of up to 5-lm extension may be the reason for a forced penetration through the steel surface. 高碳内容在1.4970和TiC被观察的precipitations和其他杂质,由5lm引伸决定主要硫磺也许是牵强的渗透的原...
carbon steel- steel whose characteristics are determined by the amount of carbon it contains steel- an alloy of iron with small amounts of carbon; widely used in construction; mechanical properties can be varied over a wide range drill rod,drill steel- carbon steel used for rock drills and do...
high carbon acid高碳酸 high carbon coke高炭焦 high carbon iron alloy高碳铁合金 high carbon chromium高碳铬 相似单词 high carbon高碳钢 carbonn. 1.〈化〉碳 2.复写纸 steeln. [U] 1.钢,钢铁 2.(钢铁般的)坚强,坚固,冷酷 3.钢铁制品;刀,剑 4.钢铁工业 5.钢铁公司股票 a. 1.钢的,钢制的 2...
2. 合金工具刚 2.合金工具刚(high-carbon alloy steel) 3.高速刚(high-speed steel): 俗称风钢,其特点为具有红热硬度(red hardness), 耐热度约为5...|基于2个网页 3. 合金工具钢 切削理论 - 天天文档... ... 高碳钢 High carbon steel合金工具钢High-carbon alloy steel高速钢 High sp...
高碳钢high carbon steel常称工具钢 高碳钢 high carbon steel常称工具钢 , 含碳量从0.60%至1.70%, 可以淬硬和回火。锤, 撬棍等由含碳量0.75%的钢制造; 切削工具如钻头, 丝攻, 铰刀等由含碳量0.90% 至1.00% 的钢制造。 高碳钢的焊接 高碳钢由于含碳量高,焊接性能很差。其焊接有如下...