Biological imaging, such as positron emission tomography (PET), can be used to assess tissue metabolism and represents a promising modality to assist in diagnosis and planning of the treatment6. In recent years, 18F-labeled fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine (FET)7 has been increasingly used for imaging HGG...
A case has been registered by the Haripad police on Saturday night based on a direction by the human rights panel that enquired a complaint by one Arun. According to the complaint, Arun was taken into custody by the police in 2017 in connection with a Congress protest where he allegedly pel...
diabetes is often classed as a ‘lifestyle disease’ and is found in higher numbers among the young age group of 20-30. As per reports, 72 million cases of Diabetes were recorded in the year 2017. The growth of availability of fast food which is relatively cheaper...
19 village offices in coastal areas will be functional on 24×7 basis,as per the direction of Kozhikode district collector UV Jose. Three villages in Vatakara Taluk,eight village offices in Koyilandy and Kozhikode Taluk will also open 24 hours to meet emergency situation. Tahsildars are told to...
Thecnanthbeedceaplctuhlavtaeldueasof point At can be calculated as d = =2s2f+ ll + lr = = 2 2s∆f µ∆xbi ((11)) wlwtehfhheteealrreneefdt∆∆arxnibgdihrrteripigemrpheatrsegiemsenestan.sgttsehste.hde idspislpalcaecmemenetnotfotfhtehceocrorersrpesopnodnindginigmiamgaegpeop...
As shown in Figure 2a, an electrical double layer (EDL) is formed at the metal–electrolyte solution interface, and the charge density in the EDL is changed as a function of the applied electrical potential. When the capacitive energy at the EDL is reduced with the variation of the charge ...
s.ExEtxrtermeme evavlauleuses(h(ihgihgehsetstanadnd lolwowesets)t)ofofanannunaulasl esdeidmimenetntfluflxuexseswwereerecocionicnicdiednetntwwithithexetxrtermeme evavlauleusesofoaf nannunaulawl wataetrerdidsicshcahragrege (e(xecxecpetpitni2n002900a9t tahte tChaenCTahno sTthaotiosnt,aTtiao...
[N4]u. Ncleuacrledaerndseintysigtyaugaguesgeasnadnudlutrlatrsaosnoincimc meaesausruermemenent thhaavveeeexxcceelllelennttaaccccuurraaccyy in labionraltaobroyraetxopreyriemxepnetrsim, beunttst,hebyutartehneyot asrueitanbolte sfouritlaabrlgee fsocralleasrguervsecyasle[1s1u–r1v3e];yisnf...
. 4. D4.iDsciusscusisosnion ThTishiiss tihs ethfierfsitrssttustduydytotoasassessesssththeefefaeasisbibiliiltiyty, ,bbeessttpprraaccttiicceess,, yyoouutthh eennggaaggeemmeennt/te/nejnojyomymenetnatnadnd appaplipcalitciaotnio, na,nadnpdiptfiatflalsllos foifmimpplelmemeenntitninggaattwwoo...
For example, in continuous-mode receivers, the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) has been proposed and widely accepted as a practical solution due to its low computational complexity [25]. However, depending on the initial equalizer kernel and the SOP of the optical packet, the CMA equalizer may...