All-optical low-pass filter based on cross-gain modulation in fiber optical parametric amplifier An all-optical low-pass filter utilizing cross-gain modulation (XGM) in fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) has been proposed and experimentally demon... K Cheung,J Chau,J Li,... - Proceedings...
Women’s physical attractiveness is associated with health and fertility, but various fashion accessories could act, however, as supernormal stimuli a
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In many animal species, individuals with certain morphological, physiological, or behavioural traits may have a disproportionately large role in determining group behaviour. While most empirical studies of leadership have focused on behaviour of individu
The construction of the four-port MIMO antenna in the form of a sickle is provided in the article. Initially, the single port element is designed and optimized. Next, a structure with two ports is created, and lastly, a design with four ports is complete
This paper presents a low power and high-speed flip-flop named cross charge-control flip-flop (XCFF). It has two dynamic nodes driving output transistors separately. The minimum power-delay product of the XCFF is 48% smaller than that of CMOS flip-flop and 20% smaller than that of the ...
Pure C++ implementation, cross-platform, supports Android, iOS and so on ARM NEON assembly level of careful optimization, calculation speed is extremely high Sophisticated memory management and data structure design, very low memory footprint
In one voltage-driven embodiment, a high spatial resolution two- dimensional array of bistable completely cross-talk free light modulation elements is constituted as a lamination of an input two- dimensional photoconductor thin film layer and an output two-dimensional electroluminescent phosphor thin film...
A weak upward behaviour was observed for x = 0.22 and 0.69, which is similar to previous reports34. The amplitude of the upturn behaviour at low temperatures was suppressed by the Se substitution. Figure 1 Crystal structure of LaO0.5F0.5BiS2−xSex and electrical resistivity in the ...
CrossRef Google Scholar Dai F C, Lee C F, Ngai Y Y. Landslide risk assessment and management:an overview[J]. Engineering Geology, 2002, 64(1):65~87. doi: 10.1016/S0013-7952(01)00093-X CrossRef Google Scholar 张春山, 吴满路, 张业成.地质灾害风险评价方法及展望[J].自然灾害学报, ...