The article discusses the tropics in the context of biodiversity, calling the location a hotspot of biological activity. The article discusses land- and marine-based biodiversity and likely differences in rules that apply to their numbers and growth. The article notes the Yasuni National Park in ...
A key question in microbial ecology is what the driving forces behind the persistence of large biodiversity in natural environments are. We studied a microbial community with more than 100 different types of species which evolved in a 15-years old biorea
human induced pollution is increasingly interfering with the functioning of these systems. Increased suspended sediment, or turbidity, in aquatic habitats reduces the reactive distance to visual signals and may therefore alter movement behaviour. Using a foraging task in ...
中方高度重视生物多样性工作,坚持生态文 明思想,不断加速生物多样性在国内各部门和各 BEIJING REVIEW NO.45 NOVEMBER 5, 2020 3 DOCUMENT / 文件 continuously to expedite the mainstreaming of biodiversity across all departments and sectors, promote effective restoration and pro- tection of ecosystems through ...
Combination of CHD (chromo-helicase-DNA binding protein)-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with electrophoresis (PCR/electrophoresis) is the most common avian molecular sexing technique but it is lab-intensive and gel-required. Gender determination often fails when the difference in length betwee...
The Hypoxylaceae (Xylariales, Ascomycota) is a diverse family of mainly saprotrophic fungi, which commonly occur in angiosperm-dominated forests around the
Comparative carcinogenicity of formic acid 2-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl]hydrazide and related chemicals in the rat. Formic acid 2-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl]hydrazide (FNT) previously demonstrated a high degree of carcinogenic activity in Swiss mice and Holtzman fe... E Ertür...
Despite the fact that the Little Ice Age (LIA) is well documented for the European Alps, substantial uncertainties concerning the regional spatio-temporal
Fungi are major ecological players in both terrestrial and aquatic environments by cycling organic matter and channelling nutrients across trophic levels. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) studies of fungal communities are redrawing the map of the fungal
Only dominant individuals have unrestricted access to contested resources in group-living animals. In birds, subordinates with restricted access to resources may respond to intragroup contests by acquiring extra body reserves to avoid periods of food sho